- arcgis for javascript(4.12)屏蔽掉地图
- arcgis for javascript(4.12)控制地图显
- ArcGis Server(2) - ArcMap发布动态图层,
- arcgis for javascript(4.12)Featu
- arcgis for javascript api 加载高德地图
- arcgis for javascript(4.12)加载geo
- arcgis for javascript(4.12)加载WMT
- arcgis for javascript(4.12)加载Fea
- arcgis for javascript(4.12)加载Gra
- 基于事件实现Arcgis绘制功能
屏蔽自带控件的代码,arcgis for js自带控件DOM基本上都写在view.ul模块中,设置为空便可以清空所有默认控件
view.ui.components = [];
function DisableInteraction(view) {
let curentState = true;
view.on("key-down", function (event) {
var prohibitedKeys = ["+", "-", "Shift", "_", "="];
var keyPressed = event.key;
if (prohibitedKeys.indexOf(keyPressed) !== -1) {
if (curentState) event.stopPropagation();
view.on("mouse-wheel", function (event) {
if (curentState) {
view.on("double-click", function (event) {
if (curentState) event.stopPropagation();
view.on("double-click", ["Control"], function (event) {
if (curentState) event.stopPropagation();
view.on("drag", function (event) {
if (curentState) event.stopPropagation();
// 禁止通过上下左右箭头移动地图
view.on("key-down", function (event) {
// prevents panning with the arrow keys
var keyPressed = event.key;
if (keyPressed.slice(0, 5) === "Arrow") {
if (curentState) event.stopPropagation();
view.on("drag", ["Shift"], function (event) {
if (curentState) event.stopPropagation();
view.on("drag", ["Shift", "Control"], function (event) {
if (curentState) event.stopPropagation();
return function (state) {
curentState = state;