Economist 2016.11.22

Economist 2016.11.22

作者: paro | 来源:发表于2016-11-21 22:45 被阅读0次

1.West meets East

Chinese orchestras and operas have been touring around the globe in prestigious music festivals and concert halls. Number of musical instrument players also grew at an accelerated speed as culture is promoted among the younger generation.

Exporting culture overseas is a sign of showing power instead of China's traditional way of exporting manufactured goods. These are made successful under the aid of governments who advocated cultural exchange.

In terms of quality, Chinese orchestra is not yet in the same league as the top notch. However the improvement is significant. It has somewhat threatened the western musicians and agents as it becomes more and more competitive.

2.Rhythem of Life

Lends an edge: an advantage over other people.

Complicity: partnership or involvement in wrongdoing

strident: grafting, sounding harsh and unpleasant

It's a novel of two girls who met at ballet class. One is talented and the other flat footed. However they came along well despite the differences. The story was unfolded with the inferior girl rising to have her own career around the world.

The author is excellent in weaving the story-line with social issues, and the positiveness in a society where regular people achieve the extraordinary.

If I do see the book, I am gonna purchase it.


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