Clear your plate 光盘行动;
半份菜(half-portioned dishes);
小份菜(smaller dishes);
拼盘菜(assorted dishes);
打包带走(take leftovers home);
Lessons my father taught me;
There are so many things my parents taught me, but one that comes to mind is the value of honesty and integrity. It is something no one can ever take from you, and it is the most important character trait to me.
Should no-homework policy be encouraged?
Homework can be effective in consolidating and reflecting on what is learned through the day, and as a preparation for lessons the next day. However, in China the hours spent on study in school are so excessive that there is little time for other educational and social issues; sport, leisure activities, family and social relationships. These are important too, but severely lacking in the present system.
Make Your Bedroom Pitch Black
Our brain associate darkness with night, and lightwith day. Being in a bright room filled with screensdecreases melatonin production and makes yourbody believe it's daytime.
China’s economy is more Soviet than you think
The notion that China’s economy, though nominally communist, resembles that of the Soviet Union seems on its face absurd. The fall of the Iron Curtain revealed a rusted shell of a country, incapable of manufacturing goods the West might want. China is the world’s biggest exporter; its cities are jammed with gleaming skyscrapers. Soviet citizens went without consumer luxuries or bought them dearly on the black market. China’s growing middle class can choose from scores of designer brands at the local mall.