

作者: hipeer | 来源:发表于2018-09-21 19:50 被阅读0次

  1. 使用beeline连接到hive
beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000" ' ' ' '
  1. 创建users表和train表,为了方便, 创建表的hql语句单独写在一个脚本文件中,我的是ctable.hql
create external table if not exists users(
    user_id bigint,
    locale  string,
    birthdyear int,
    gender string,
    joinedAt string,
    location string,
    timezone string
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile
location '/temp/data/usersdata'

create external table if not exists train(
    user_id bigint,
    event_id bigint,
    invited int,
    `timestamp` string,
    interested int,
    not_interested int
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile
location '/temp/data/traindata'



语句 意思
row format delimited 文件以行的格式分隔
fields terminated by ',' 每个字段之间以逗号分隔
stored as filetext 文件的储存格式为textfile
location '/temp/data/usersdata' 这张表在HDFS中所指向的文件夹(usersdata)
tblproperties("skip.header.line.count"="1") 跳过文件中的第一行数据


    create external table if not exists emp(
       name string,
       work_place array<string>,
       sex_age struct<sex:string,age:int>,
       skills_score map<string,int>,
       depart_title map<string,array<string>>
     row format delimited
     fields terminated by '|'
     collection items terminated by ','
     map keys terminated by ':'
     stored as textfile
     location '/temp/data/emp';

注:上面的ctable.hql文件中在执行时如果出现FAILED: ParseException line 7:1 Failed to recognize predicate 'timestamp'. Failed rule: 'identifier' in column specification类似的错误,说明在表字段名与关键字产生了冲突,解决方法是把字段名改一下或者给字段加上``符号。

  1. 在hive shell 环境中执行刚才的脚本ctable.hql,也可以在本地执行
// hive shell
source /root/ctable.hql;
// 本地
hive -f "ctable.hql"

注: 在beeline中执行脚本会报错

  1. 创建完成后向里面导入准备好的数据
load data local inpath '/root/data/users.csv' into table users;
load data local inpath '/root/data/train.csv' into table train;

注:我是在hive命令行中导入的, 在beeline中执行上面的语句会报错

  1. 看一下结果
select * from users limit 5;
| users.user_id  | users.locale  | users.birthdyear  | users.gender  |      users.joinedat       |   users.location    | users.timezone  |
| 3197468391     | id_ID         | 1993              | male          | 2012-10-02T06:40:55.524Z  | Medan  Indonesia    | 480             |
| 3537982273     | id_ID         | 1992              | male          | 2012-09-29T18:03:12.111Z  | Medan  Indonesia    | 420             |
| 823183725      | en_US         | 1975              | male          | 2012-10-06T03:14:07.149Z  | Stratford  Ontario  | -240            |
| 1872223848     | en_US         | 1991              | female        | 2012-11-04T08:59:43.783Z  | Tehran  Iran        | 210             |
| 3429017717     | id_ID         | 1995              | female        | 2012-09-10T16:06:53.132Z  |                     | 420             |

select * from train limit 5;
| train.user_id  | train.event_id  | train.invited  |          train.timestamp          | train.interested  | train.not_interested  |
| 3044012        | 1918771225      | 0              | 2012-10-02 15:53:05.754000+00:00  | 0                 | 0                     |
| 3044012        | 1502284248      | 0              | 2012-10-02 15:53:05.754000+00:00  | 0                 | 0                     |
| 3044012        | 2529072432      | 0              | 2012-10-02 15:53:05.754000+00:00  | 1                 | 0                     |
| 3044012        | 3072478280      | 0              | 2012-10-02 15:53:05.754000+00:00  | 0                 | 0                     |
| 3044012        | 1390707377      | 0              | 2012-10-02 15:53:05.754000+00:00  | 0                 | 0                     |



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