- android hardware and operating system are not made by the same company.
- Apple has certain tricks up it's sleeve.Starting witn some of the earlist iPhone Apple used a neat trick.Even though it's processor wasn't anywhere near as fast as the Android phones of the time,it still scrolled dozens of times smoother.Why?It stopped doing literally everything it could in the background to devote all it's power to make the scroll feel smooth.That was a very clever trick and one Google couldn't really use at the time since multitasking was very much at the forefront of it's advertising.
- Think of Android phones more as a computer than a phone.It took Google a lone time to get the phone aspect of the OS down,but from the beginning it has had full support for a applocations running in the background,data and file manipulation , basically any usb device that you can find or write a drive for.This is a Linux based OS and it shines throught with a lot of the neat t hings you can di with it,Apple on the other hand tailored their OS to fit the phone.
- Android handles security differently.This is actually the only point referencing Java that I'll make.Android runs a Java Vitual Machine to run each of it's applications.It effectively sandboxes each app with only the permissions you've chosen to give it.This level of security means that if a hacker were to gain to an app,if that app had no access to ,say,contancts and pictures,they'd be unable to access those things.