
作者: 欣然小时光 | 来源:发表于2021-11-21 14:41 被阅读0次

    Your birthday is coming up. 你的生日快到了。
    Let's invite some friends and have a party. 邀请朋友们来家里开派对吧。
    How many people do you want to invite? 你想邀请多少人?
    Invite as many as you want. 你想邀请多少就邀请多少吧。
    About 10. 大约十个。
    I want to invite all of my classmates. 我想邀请全班。
    Let's make some invitations first. 我们先来制作邀请函。
    I want to make an invitation. 我要制作邀请函。
    What should I write on the invitation? 我要在邀请函上写什么呢?
    What time should I tell them to come? 我要告诉他们几点来?
    Tell them to come right after school. 告诉他们放学后直接过来。
    Give your friends the invitations. 把邀请函拿给你的朋友们。
    Ask your friends if they can come. 问问朋友们他们是否能来。
    When should I give out the invitations? 我什么时候要把邀请函送出去。
    I will give them tomorrow when I go to school. 明天我去上学,就拿给他们。
    Where should I have my birthday party? 我要在哪里办生日派对?
    Let's just have your friends over to our house. 就请你的朋友们来家里吧。
    I think it will be too crowded in the house. 我想在家里的话会太挤了。
    I'll make a reservation at a restaurant. 我会订餐厅。
    Mommy needs to plan the birthday party for you. 妈咪需要计划一下你的生日派对。
    Write down the names of your friends you want to invite.把你想要邀请的朋友名字写下来。
    What do you want for your birthday? 你想收到什么生日礼物?
    I want a toy car for my birthday. 我想要玩具车作为生日礼物。



