

作者: hejiwen | 来源:发表于2015-06-26 09:38 被阅读0次

Legislation hindersuse of in-feed bugs


Recently I have been attacked by insects, not literally by the animal,but by information surrounding these bugs and their use as a valuableingredient in animal and human diets. However, legislation is not that fast andtheir use in animal diets is still prohibited.


The FAO estimates that the worldneeds to increase its food production by 70% by2050 inorder to serve a global population of ninebillion. Animal feed production is increasingly competing for resources (land,water and fertiliser) with human food and fuel production, urbanisation andnature. 70% of the world's agricultural land is already directly or indirectlydedicated to meat production. With a growing world population and increasinglydemanding consumers, can we still produce sufficient animal protein in thefuture? We need to identify alternative protein sources with urgency, andinsects have great potential in contributing to global food security.


Legislation issues oninsects as feed

However, the production, tradeand use of edible insects as food and feed touch on a wide range of regulatoryareas, from product quality assurance to the environmental impact of insectfarming. Consequently, one of the largest barriers to increasing consumption ofedible insects, as well as their use as animal feed, islegislation. Regarding inclusion in animal diets, does insects fall in thesame category as blood meal and fishmeal for example and what are the rulesconcerning using animal products for growing the insects? Currently, insectscannot be grown on animal based media and manure. A lot of questions are stillunanswered regarding the use of insects in the feed of production animals.Insects can be used in food for pets. In addition, some EU legislation hindersthe use of insects in animal diets. Think of the TSE legislation and the rulesregarding the use of animal by-products.






