weekly_report_10_08_jianjian Wu

weekly_report_10_08_jianjian Wu

作者: M遇见 | 来源:发表于2014-10-22 23:29 被阅读0次

Autumn    2014 Report #002 – 10/08/14 JianJianWu

I. Plan for next week (***, **, *: order of priority)

• 30%:Complete the tender of my project

• 10%:Be familiar with the visualization project

• 40%:Collect information about Baidu Echarts especially the radar chart

• 20%:Think about how to use radar chart in the visualization project

II. Tasks achieved this week(***, **, *: order of priority)

• 20%:Be familiar with the visualization of the power system

• 40%:Write the tender about visualization project

• 10%:Learn Baidu Echarts

• 30%:On holiday

III. Feedback of Prof. Qiu Prof. Li and Dr. Yan last week

• More specific for my preparation for find a good job

• How to use the word of “the”

IV. Reports

• Do adequate preparation for find a good job

(1)Communication with others:

I will be shy for the person that I meet for the first time and I don’t want to speak actively. Improving the communication skills is very important me.

(2) Strengthen myself :

Whenever I meet with difficulties before, I will become crazy first and do nothing at all, I think I need time to strengthen myself and think the way to solve problems.

(3)Improve my presentation:

I was accustomed to with tedious words to express one thing, so I always couldn’t express myself clearly, I hope to improve my presentation during my internship.

(4)Broaden my horizon:

School’s environment makes my vision is narrow, I will use my internship to gain my social experience and broaden my horizon at the same time.

• Usage of “the”:

1. Express the specially people or things

2. The people or thing is know or understand by both sides

3. The second refers to someone or something

4. In front of direction and position

5. Before the superlative of adjectives

6. Before the ordinal number

7. For emphasis

8. Before the natural phenomenon

9. Before the plural form of surnames express the family

• Radar chart

Radar chart is commonly used to show high dimension data, it directly show comprehensive analysis and evaluation about enterprise’s financial status and operating status. Its shape is familiar to radar’s radiation wave, so we call it Radar chart.


V. Mile-Stone:

• Learn more and more knowledge about Baidu Echarts, finally use it to my visualization project

• Complete the project of the visualization

• Rich hands-on ability of myself


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