作者: I枫林渡 | 来源:发表于2018-01-13 15:14 被阅读0次

13th January

          With a bag of snacks and a heavy camping bag that is nearly taller than me when lifted,I go to the train station with my six teammates and take the train named k1167 that is from Changsha,the capital of Human province ,to Haikou.This is the first time I have ever take a train with so many friends.What's more,our seat is close to each one's.

          Can you image nearly a forth  of the compartment is possessed by our group members and that you have a especially  friendly  and kind hug with a boy or girl that you have never knew.In Jianai ,a public benefit activity designed to help college student across our country  make a progress in both body and mentality,we make it.




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