8.24 - hard - 105

8.24 - hard - 105

作者: 健时总向乱中忙 | 来源:发表于2017-08-25 09:39 被阅读0次

    587. Erect the Fence

    利用一种算法叫做Monotone Chain,加上之前的旋转卡壳。。。还有一道求是否所有点形成convex hull 这三个解法好好搞一搞清楚

        def outerTrees(self, points):
            """Computes the convex hull of a set of 2D points.
            Input: an iterable sequence of (x, y) pairs representing the points.
            Output: a list of vertices of the convex hull in counter-clockwise order,
              starting from the vertex with the lexicographically smallest coordinates.
            Implements Andrew's monotone chain algorithm. O(n log n) complexity.
            # Sort the points lexicographically (tuples are compared lexicographically).
            # Remove duplicates to detect the case we have just one unique point.
            # points = sorted(set(points))
            points = sorted(points, key=lambda p: (p.x, p.y))
            # Boring case: no points or a single point, possibly repeated multiple times.
            if len(points) <= 1:
                return points
            # 2D cross product of OA and OB vectors, i.e. z-component of their 3D cross product.
            # Returns a positive value, if OAB makes a counter-clockwise turn,
            # negative for clockwise turn, and zero if the points are collinear.
            def cross(o, a, b):
                # return (a[0] - o[0]) * (b[1] - o[1]) - (a[1] - o[1]) * (b[0] - o[0])
                return (a.x - o.x) * (b.y - o.y) - (a.y - o.y) * (b.x - o.x)
            # Build lower hull
            lower = []
            for p in points:
                while len(lower) >= 2 and cross(lower[-2], lower[-1], p) < 0:
            # Build upper hull
            upper = []
            for p in reversed(points):
                while len(upper) >= 2 and cross(upper[-2], upper[-1], p) < 0:
            # Concatenation of the lower and upper hulls gives the convex hull.
            # Last point of each list is omitted because it is repeated at the
            # beginning of the other list.
            # return lower[:-1] + upper[:-1]
            return list(set(lower[:-1] + upper[:-1]))



          本文标题:8.24 - hard - 105
