Papers about evaluate visual exp

Papers about evaluate visual exp

作者: 阮恒 | 来源:发表于2019-08-22 20:09 被阅读0次

    ⭐️1. BIM- Towards Quantitative Evaluation of Interpretability Methods with Ground Truth

    • Construct a dataset BIM, whose objects and background are not compatible.
    • Evaluate several gradient-based methods such as GradCAM (GC) [17], Vanilla Gradient (VG), SmoothGrad (SG) [20], Integrated Gradient (IG) [22] and Guided Backpropagation (GB).
    • Propose three metrics for evaluating the methods. Such as if those methods can
    • Dataset and code can be found in https://github.com/google-research-datasets/bim

    2. Interpretability Beyond Feature Attribution:

    Quantitative Testing with Concept Activation Vectors (TCAV)
    -- Explain the model towards the effects of some important concepts, such as stripes to zebra.
    -- Evaluate the method using images with a caption on the pixels. This is the ancestor of [1]

    ⭐️3. Been Kim's video introducing her recent work on XAI.


    4. Interpretation of Neural Networks is Fragile

    -- Add adversarial examples to the input images, maintain the predicted class the same, measure how much does the explanations change ( the top-k pixels if no longer the top-k pixels).

    5. Evaluating Machine Learning Interpretations in Cooperative Play

    -- the effectiveness of interpretation is measured by how much it improves human performance
    -- 设计human study时可以借鉴

    6. Fooling Neural Network Interpretations via Adversarial Model Manipulation

    • 同4

    ⭐️7. Evaluating Feature Importance Estimates

    -- NND, remove the important pixels and retrain the model.
    -- The author retrained the model. However, it is unreasonable.

    ⭐️8. Explainable and Interpretable Models in Computer Vision and Machine Learning

    -- A book about XAI. Talked about evaluation.

    9. Evaluating the visualization of what a Deep Neural Network has learned

    -- 很老2015年的一篇evaluation论文,也是讲的将重要的pixel remove之后的效果。



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