NO.0027 红颜祸水

NO.0027 红颜祸水

作者: yanmai707277 | 来源:发表于2019-07-16 06:24 被阅读0次
NO.0027 红颜祸水

1It has been a week since the event of  water spilling.

2 It was mentioned by a pal, then it occurred to me again.

3 So i'd like to make a joke about it.

4  yanhong.li was  gentally poured over  a bottle of mineral water at the developer's conference.

5 yanhong was very upset and he went to his friend to complain.

6 yanghong: LAO LUO ,  Bro I'm embarrassed. i was watered like a chicken.

7lao luo: em ah?  what did you say?

8yang hong:  What can I say? I'm just surprised.  What the hell did he do?  i said "what's the problem ?" by instinctively.

9yanghong: At that time i am shamed to death.

10:luo yong hao: relax.

Don't think so much.

it is just a bottle of water.

Think of the good things.

two yuan was spent on the eye-attraction.

It is for me I would say: "Is there anything else? I want a middle cup."

10:yanhong: This brother is not reliable. I would go to to leijun.

11, Seeing his clothes wet, leijun said:

are you okay?

yanghong:  Fine, I'm fine too. And you.

12leijun: ok.very much.

do't gets too angry.high up.

Will you listen to me sing a song to relieve your sorrow?

  how about the song of" are you ok?"

13:yanhong:  stop here.

Don't throw a stone down into well.

14yanhong: i had better go to my mingzhu sister to pleased? me.

15mingzhu:lei ah.

What happened?

You didn't mean it that time as I know.

yanhong:  you r my own sister. only you only you! only you believe i didn't mean it.(crying)

16:mingzhu: whether true or false, this time there really is no core technology.

17lei jun:  What's wrong with all these people? the business is  like be batterfield.

my heart is dead now.

my dream is watered out.

18: At that time, Jack ma passed by and said:

how dare to cry?  How many people died after seeing your advertisement?

why didn't they slap you?

that is your blessing.

19:yanhong:  Don't pull me. don't pull me  I'm going to die at the helen's wechat pool.


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