- 软件: Xcode9.1
- 语言: Swift4
- 真机调试系统: iOS10.3
|_ 1. app版本号
|_ 2. 系统名称
|_ 3. 当前系统版本号
|_ 4. 设备的唯一标识
|_ 5. model
|_ 6. 设备型号
|_ 7. 手机磁盘空间(手机总空间,手机剩余空间)
|_ 8.系统时间
|_ 8.1 系统运行时间
|_ 8.2 系统启动时间
|_ 9. 电池
|_ 9.1 当前电池电量
|_ 9.2 电池当前的状态
|_ 10. 运营商
|_ 11. 内存
|_ 11.1 手机物理内存
|_ 11.2 内存使用情况 (free、active、inactive、wired、compressed)
|_ 11.3 当前任务所占用的内存
|_ 12. 手机网络IP地址
|_ 12.1 移动网络IP地址
|_ 12.2 仅wifi网络IP地址
|_ 12.3 公网IP地址
|_ 13.CPU使用率(system, user, idle, nice)
|_ 14.网络状态
|_ 14.1 网络是否连接
|_ 14.2 网络连接类型(2G、3G、4G、WIFI)
1. app版本号
/// app版本号
/// - Returns: app版本号
open static func appVerion() -> String {
return Bundle.main.infoDictionary!["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as! String
2. 系统名称
/// 系统名称,如iPhone OS
/// - Returns: 当前系统名称
open static func systemName() -> String {
return UIDevice.current.systemName
3. 当前系统版本号
/// 当前系统版本号
/// - Returns: 当前系统版本号
open static func systemVersion() -> String {
return UIDevice.current.systemVersion
4. 设备的唯一标识
/// 设备的唯一标识号,deviceID
/// - Returns: 唯一识别码uuid
open static func uuid() -> String {
return UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor!.uuidString
5. model
/// The model of the device,如iPhone或者iPod touch
/// - Returns: 设备
open static func model() -> String {
return UIDevice.current.model
/// The model of the device as a localized string,类似model
/// - Returns: localizedModel
open static func localizedModel() -> String {
return UIDevice.current.localizedModel
6. 设备型号
/// 设备型号(iPod、iPhone、iPad)
/// 详细参考地址:https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/Models
/// - Returns: 设备型号
open static func deviceName() -> String {
var systemInfo = utsname()
let machineMirror = Mirror(reflecting: systemInfo.machine)
let identifier = machineMirror.children.reduce("") { identifier, element in
guard let value = element.value as? Int8, value != 0 else { return identifier }
return identifier + String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))
switch identifier {
case "iPod4,1": return "iPod Touch 4"
case "iPod5,1": return "iPod Touch 5"
case "iPod7,1": return "iPod Touch 6"
case "iPhone3,1", "iPhone3,2", "iPhone3,3": return "iPhone 4"
case "iPhone4,1": return "iPhone 4s"
case "iPhone5,1", "iPhone5,2": return "iPhone 5"
case "iPhone5,3", "iPhone5,4": return "iPhone 5c"
case "iPhone6,1", "iPhone6,2": return "iPhone 5s"
case "iPhone7,2": return "iPhone 6"
case "iPhone7,1": return "iPhone 6 Plus"
case "iPhone8,1": return "iPhone 6s"
case "iPhone8,2": return "iPhone 6s Plus"
case "iPhone8,4": return "iPhone SE"
case "iPhone9,1", "iPhone9,3": return "iPhone 7"
case "iPhone9,2", "iPhone9,4": return "iPhone 7 Plus"
case "iPhone10,1", "iPhone10,4": return "iPhone 8"
case "iPhone10,2", "iPhone10,5": return "iPhone 8 Plus"
case "iPhone10,3", "iPhone10,6": return "iPhone X"
case "iPad2,1", "iPad2,2", "iPad2,3", "iPad2,4":return "iPad 2"
case "iPad3,1", "iPad3,2", "iPad3,3": return "iPad 3"
case "iPad3,4", "iPad3,5", "iPad3,6": return "iPad 4"
case "iPad4,1", "iPad4,2", "iPad4,3": return "iPad Air"
case "iPad5,3", "iPad5,4": return "iPad Air 2"
case "iPad6,11", "iPad6,12": return "iPad 5"
case "iPad2,5", "iPad2,6", "iPad2,7": return "iPad Mini"
case "iPad4,4", "iPad4,5", "iPad4,6": return "iPad Mini 2"
case "iPad4,7", "iPad4,8", "iPad4,9": return "iPad Mini 3"
case "iPad5,1", "iPad5,2": return "iPad Mini 4"
case "iPad6,3", "iPad6,4": return "iPad Pro 9.7 Inch"
case "iPad6,7", "iPad6,8": return "iPad Pro 12.9 Inch"
case "iPad7,1", "iPad7,2": return "iPad Pro 12.9 Inch 2. Generation"
case "iPad7,3", "iPad7,4": return "iPad Pro 10.5 Inch"
case "i386", "x86_64": return "Simulator"
default: return identifier
7. 手机磁盘空间(手机总空间,手机剩余空间)
/// 手机磁盘空间
/// - 手机总空间:手机上显示的非真正的大小。链接mac的iTunes可查看实际大小
/// - 手机剩余空间:因为获取到设备上剩余的可用空间与显示的有差异,所以(+ - 200 Mb差异)
/// - 相关链接Q1:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5712527/how-to-detect-total-available-free-disk-space-on-the-iphone-ipad-device
/// - 相关链接Q2:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9270027/iphone-free-space-left-on-device-reported-incorrectly-200-mb-difference
/// - Returns: (手机总空间,手机剩余空间)
open static func getFreeDiskspace() -> (Double,Double) {
var totalSpace:Double = 0.0
var totalFreeSpace:Double = 0.0
let paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)
let dictionary = try? FileManager.default.attributesOfFileSystem(forPath: paths.last!)
guard dictionary != nil else {
return (totalSpace,totalFreeSpace)
let fileSystemSizeInBytes = dictionary![FileAttributeKey.systemSize] as! Double
let freeFileSystemSizeInBytes = dictionary![FileAttributeKey.systemFreeSize] as! Double
totalSpace = fileSystemSizeInBytes / pow(1024, 3)
totalFreeSpace = (freeFileSystemSizeInBytes - (200 * pow(1024, 2))) / pow(1000, 3)
return (totalSpace,totalFreeSpace)
8.1 系统运行时间
/// 系统运行时间(运行多少秒)
/// - Returns: TimeInterval
open static func getSystemUptime() -> TimeInterval {
return ProcessInfo().systemUptime
8.2 系统启动时间
/// 系统启动时间
/// - Returns: TimeInterval
open static func getLaunchTime() -> TimeInterval {
let nowTime = Date()
let nowTimeInterval = nowTime.timeIntervalSince1970
return nowTimeInterval - getSystemUptime()
9. 电池
9.1 当前电池电量
/// 获取当前电池电量0.0~1.0
/// - Returns: Float
open static func getBatteryLevel() -> Float {
UIDevice.current.isBatteryMonitoringEnabled = true
return UIDevice.current.batteryLevel
9.2 电池当前的状态
/// 获取电池当前的状态,共有4种状态
/// - .charging (plugged in, less than 100% - 充电中)
/// - .full (plugged in, at 100% - 满电)
/// - .unplugged (on battery, discharging - 未充电,放电中)
/// - .unknown (isBatteryMonitoringEnabled is false)
/// - Returns: UIDeviceBatteryState
open static func getBatteryState() -> UIDeviceBatteryState {
UIDevice.current.isBatteryMonitoringEnabled = true
return UIDevice.current.batteryState
10. 运营商
- import CoreTelephony
/// 运营商
/// - example: "中国移动"
/// - Returns: String
open static func getCarrierName() -> String {
let info = CTTelephonyNetworkInfo()
let carrier = info.subscriberCellularProvider
guard carrier != nil else {
return ""
return carrier!.carrierName ?? ""
11. 内存
11.1 手机物理内容
/// 获取总内存大小(单位:GB)
/// - Returns: Double
open static func getTotalMemorySize() -> Double {
return Double(ProcessInfo().physicalMemory) / pow(1024, 3)
11.2 内存使用情况 (free、active、inactive、wired、compressed)
/// 获取当前设备内存使用情况(单位:GB)
/// 参考: https://github.com/beltex/SystemKit
/// - Returns: (free, active, inactive, wired, compressed)
open static func memoryUsage() -> (free:Double, active:Double, inactive:Double, wired:Double, compressed:Double) {
let stats = VMStatistics64()
let PAGE_SIZE = vm_kernel_page_size
let free = Double(stats.free_count) * Double(PAGE_SIZE) / pow(1024, 3)
let active = Double(stats.active_count) * Double(PAGE_SIZE) / pow(1024, 3)
let inactive = Double(stats.inactive_count) * Double(PAGE_SIZE) / pow(1024, 3)
let wired = Double(stats.wire_count) * Double(PAGE_SIZE) / pow(1024, 3)
// Result of the compression. This is what you see in Activity Monitor
let compressed = Double(stats.compressor_page_count) * Double(PAGE_SIZE) / pow(1024, 3)
return (free, active, inactive, wired, compressed)
/// 虚拟内存统计信息
/// - Returns: vm_statistics64
fileprivate static func VMStatistics64() -> vm_statistics64 {
let HOST_VM_INFO64_COUNT:mach_msg_type_number_t =
UInt32(MemoryLayout<vm_statistics64_data_t>.size / MemoryLayout<integer_t>.size)
var size = HOST_VM_INFO64_COUNT
let hostInfo = vm_statistics64_t.allocate(capacity: 1)
let result = hostInfo.withMemoryRebound(to: integer_t.self, capacity: Int(size)) {
let data = hostInfo.move()
hostInfo.deallocate(capacity: 1)
if result != KERN_SUCCESS {
print("ERROR - \(#file):\(#function) - kern_result_t = "
+ "\(result)")
return data
11.3 当前任务所占用的内存
/// 获取当前任务所占用的内存(单位:GB)
/// 参考: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40991912/how-to-get-memory-usage-of-my-application-and-system-in-swift-by-programatically
/// - Returns: Double
open static func appUsedMemory() -> Double {
var taskInfo = mach_task_basic_info()
var count = mach_msg_type_number_t(MemoryLayout<mach_task_basic_info>.size)/4
let kerr: kern_return_t = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &taskInfo) {
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: integer_t.self, capacity: 1) {
task_info(mach_task_self_, task_flavor_t(MACH_TASK_BASIC_INFO), $0, &count)
if kerr != KERN_SUCCESS {
print("Error with task_info(): " +
(String(cString: mach_error_string(kerr), encoding: String.Encoding.ascii) ?? "unknown error"))
return Double(taskInfo.resident_size) / pow(1024, 3)
/// 以 MB 或 GB 字符串方式显示
/// - Parameter value: Double
/// - Returns: String
open static func memoryUnit(_ value: Double) -> String {
if value < 1.0 {
return String(format:"%.2f",value * 1000.0) + "MB"
} else {
return String(format:"%.2f", value) + "GB"
12. 手机网络IP地址
fileprivate let IOS_CELLULAR = "pdp_ip0"
fileprivate let IOS_WIFI = "en0"
fileprivate let IOS_VPN = "utun0"
fileprivate let IP_ADDR_IPv4 = "ipv4"
fileprivate let IP_ADDR_IPv6 = "ipv6"
12.1 移动网络IP地址
/// 获取当前手机网络ip地址
/// - example:
/// [ "awdl0/ipv6": "fe80::d0fa:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx%awdl0",
/// "en0/ipv6": "fe80::c95:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx%en0",
/// "pdp_ip0/ipv4": "10.199.xxx.xxx", // 移动网络ip地址
/// "en0/ipv4": "172.20.xxx.xxx", // Wi-Fi ip地址
/// "utun0/ipv6": "fe80::6b12:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx%utun0"]
/// - Returns: [String:String]
open static func getIFAddresses() -> [String:String] {
var addresses = [String:String]()
// Get list of all interfaces on the local machine:
var ifaddr : UnsafeMutablePointer<ifaddrs>?
guard getifaddrs(&ifaddr) == 0 else { return [:] }
guard let firstAddr = ifaddr else { return [:] }
// For each interface ...
for ptr in sequence(first: firstAddr, next: { $0.pointee.ifa_next }) {
let flags = Int32(ptr.pointee.ifa_flags)
var addr = ptr.pointee.ifa_addr.pointee
// Convert sockaddr to sockaddr_in
var addr_in:sockaddr_in = withUnsafePointer(to: &addr, {
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: sockaddr_in.self, capacity: 1) {
// Create UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>
let addrBuf = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>.allocate(capacity: Int(max(INET_ADDRSTRLEN, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN)))
// Check for running IPv4, IPv6 interfaces. Skip the loopback interface.
if addr.sa_family == UInt8(AF_INET) || addr.sa_family == UInt8(AF_INET6) {
// Convert interface address to a human readable string:
var hostname = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: Int(NI_MAXHOST))
if (getnameinfo(ptr.pointee.ifa_addr, socklen_t(addr.sa_len), &hostname, socklen_t(hostname.count),
nil, socklen_t(0), NI_NUMERICHOST) == 0) {
let address = String(cString: hostname)
let name = String(cString: ptr.pointee.ifa_name)
var type = ""
if addr_in.sin_family == UInt8(AF_INET) {
if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr_in.sin_addr, addrBuf, socklen_t(INET_ADDRSTRLEN)) != nil) {
type = IP_ADDR_IPv4
}else {
// Convert sockaddr to sockaddr_in6
var addr6:sockaddr_in6 = withUnsafePointer(to: &addr, {
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: sockaddr_in6.self, capacity: 1) {
if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr6.sin6_addr, addrBuf, socklen_t(INET6_ADDRSTRLEN)) != nil) {
type = IP_ADDR_IPv6
if !type.isEmpty {
let key = "\(name)/\(type)"
addresses[key] = address
return addresses
12.2 仅wifi网络IP地址
/// 获取当前wifi的IP地址
/// - Returns: String
open static func getLocalIPAddressForCurrentWiFi() -> String? {
var address: String?
// get list of all interfaces on the local machine
var ifaddr: UnsafeMutablePointer<ifaddrs>? = nil
guard getifaddrs(&ifaddr) == 0 else {
return nil
guard let firstAddr = ifaddr else {
return nil
for ifptr in sequence(first: firstAddr, next: { $0.pointee.ifa_next }) {
let interface = ifptr.pointee
// Check for IPV4 or IPV6 interface
let addrFamily = interface.ifa_addr.pointee.sa_family
if addrFamily == UInt8(AF_INET) || addrFamily == UInt8(AF_INET6) {
// Check interface name
let name = String(cString: interface.ifa_name)
if name == IOS_WIFI {
// Convert interface address to a human readable string
var addr = interface.ifa_addr.pointee
var hostName = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: Int(NI_MAXHOST))
getnameinfo(&addr, socklen_t(interface.ifa_addr.pointee.sa_len), &hostName, socklen_t(hostName.count), nil, socklen_t(0), NI_NUMERICHOST)
address = String(cString: hostName)
return address
12.3 公网IP地址
/// 获取公网ip
///可以通过接口请求查询ip所在的省份, 格式:http://int.dpool.sina.com.cn/iplookup/iplookup.php?format=json&ip=192.108.xxx.xxx
/// http://ysj5125094.iteye.com/blog/2227874
/// - Parameter url: input: www.baidu.com
/// - Returns: String?
open static func getIPAddressFromDNSQuery(url: String) -> String? {
let host = CFHostCreateWithName(nil, url as CFString).takeRetainedValue()
CFHostStartInfoResolution(host, .addresses, nil)
var success: DarwinBoolean = false
if let address = CFHostGetAddressing(host, &success)?.takeUnretainedValue() as NSArray?, let theAddress = address.firstObject as? NSData {
var hostname = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: Int(NI_MAXHOST))
if getnameinfo(theAddress.bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: sockaddr.self), socklen_t(theAddress.length), &hostname, socklen_t(hostname.count), nil, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST) == 0 {
let numAddress = String(cString: hostname)
return numAddress
return nil
return nil
13.CPU使用率(system, user, idle, nice)
- fileprivate var loadPrevious = host_cpu_load_info()
/// 获取CPU使用率 (单位: 100%)
/// 参考: https://github.com/beltex/SystemKit
/// - Returns: (system, user, idle, nice)
open static func usageCPU() -> (system:Double, user:Double, idle:Double, nice:Double) {
let load = hostCPULoadInfo()
let userDiff = Double(load.cpu_ticks.0 - loadPrevious.cpu_ticks.0)
let sysDiff = Double(load.cpu_ticks.1 - loadPrevious.cpu_ticks.1)
let idleDiff = Double(load.cpu_ticks.2 - loadPrevious.cpu_ticks.2)
let niceDiff = Double(load.cpu_ticks.3 - loadPrevious.cpu_ticks.3)
let totalTicks = sysDiff + userDiff + niceDiff + idleDiff
let sys = sysDiff / totalTicks * 100.0
let user = userDiff / totalTicks * 100.0
let idle = idleDiff / totalTicks * 100.0
let nice = niceDiff / totalTicks * 100.0
// the current and last call. Thus, first call will always be inaccurate.
loadPrevious = load
return (sys, user, idle, nice)
/// CPU负载信息
/// - Returns: host_cpu_load_info
fileprivate static func hostCPULoadInfo() -> host_cpu_load_info {
var size:mach_msg_type_number_t =
UInt32(MemoryLayout<host_cpu_load_info_data_t>.size / MemoryLayout<integer_t>.size)
let hostInfo = host_cpu_load_info_t.allocate(capacity: 1)
let result = hostInfo.withMemoryRebound(to: integer_t.self, capacity: Int(size)) {
host_statistics(mach_host_self(), HOST_CPU_LOAD_INFO,
let data = hostInfo.move()
hostInfo.deallocate(capacity: 1)
if result != KERN_SUCCESS {
print("ERROR - \(#file):\(#function) - kern_result_t = "
+ "\(result)")
return data
import SystemConfiguration
import CoreTelephony
/// Defines the various states of network reachability.
/// - unknown: It is unknown whether the network is reachable.
/// - notReachable: The network is not reachable.
/// - reachable: The network is reachable.
public enum NetworkReachabilityStatus {
case unknown
case notReachable
case reachable(ConnectionType)
/// Defines the various connection types detected by reachability flags.
/// - ethernetOrWiFi: The connection type is either over Ethernet or WiFi.
/// - wwan: The connection type is a WWAN connection.
public enum ConnectionType {
case ethernetOrWiFi
case wwan
14.1 网络是否连接
/// 检查网络连接,判断网络类型(ethernetOrWiFi / wwan)
/// 参考: https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire
/// - Returns: (check connected, Network Reachability Status)
open static func connectedToNetwork() -> (connected:Bool,connectionType:NetworkReachabilityStatus) {
var zeroAddress = sockaddr_in()
zeroAddress.sin_len = UInt8(MemoryLayout<sockaddr_in>.size)
zeroAddress.sin_family = sa_family_t(AF_INET)
guard let defaultRouteReachability = withUnsafePointer(to: &zeroAddress, {
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: sockaddr.self, capacity: 1) {
SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress(nil, $0)
}) else {
return (false,.unknown)
var flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags = []
if !SCNetworkReachabilityGetFlags(defaultRouteReachability, &flags) {
return (false,.unknown)
let conType = flags.contains(.isWWAN) ? ConnectionType.wwan : ConnectionType.ethernetOrWiFi
let isReachable = flags.contains(.reachable)
let needsConnection = flags.contains(.connectionRequired)
let canConnectAutomatically = flags.contains(.connectionOnDemand) || flags.contains(.connectionOnTraffic)
let canConnectWithoutUserInteraction = canConnectAutomatically && !flags.contains(.interventionRequired)
guard isReachable && (!needsConnection || canConnectWithoutUserInteraction) else {
return (false,.notReachable)
return (true,.reachable(conType))
14.2 网络连接类型(2G、3G、4G、WIFI)
/// 网络状态(2G、3G、4G、WIFI)
/// - Returns: String
open static func getNetWorkTypee() -> String {
let result = "未知网络"
let info = CTTelephonyNetworkInfo()
let netWork = connectedToNetwork()
guard netWork.connected else {
return "未连接网络"
switch netWork.connectionType {
case .reachable(.ethernetOrWiFi):
return "WIFI"
case .reachable(.wwan):
let currentRadioAccessTechnology = info.currentRadioAccessTechnology
guard currentRadioAccessTechnology != nil else {
return result
if currentRadioAccessTechnology! == CTRadioAccessTechnologyLTE {
return "4G"
}else if (currentRadioAccessTechnology! == CTRadioAccessTechnologyEdge) || (currentRadioAccessTechnology! == CTRadioAccessTechnologyGPRS) {
return "2G"
}else {
return "3G"
return result