- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
- Teaching Diary of Sunday School
Attended Students: 12
Attendance Record: Be+atrice (24) John (24) Riley (20) Jordane (19) Jacob (9) Jaden (9) Joel (20) Jospeh(20) Eliot (20) Ethan (9) Bea (4) Alfonso (4)
Unattended students: 3
Camila (5) Gabriel (8) Juliette (1)
James (sing songs ) Hilde (Catechism ) George (Bible Story)
Rashel: Game Cici: (Coordinator)
Classroom: Room 408
Time: 10:30~11:30AM
The content of the class
1: Beginning prayer( We prayed Our Father、Hail Mary、Glory to be. )
Jacob lead the prayer.
2: Sing songs 《All Things Bright and Beautiful》
3:Catechism Children's Catechism Questions and Answers
Jesus has three offices ( Prophet King Priest) .
4: Bible Story Jesus Is Tempted In the Desert.
Jesus was in the desert for 40 days. He had three temptations.
5: Game ( Make Paper "Heart" )
The kids used colorful papers to make "Heart."