Peak Chap.2 1/2

Peak Chap.2 1/2

作者: 小芷芷 | 来源:发表于2017-08-03 22:47 被阅读0次

    Chapter 2 Harnessing Adaptability 1/2



    lifting weights to add some muscle 举重
    your muscle falter due to lactic acid buildup: flater 颤抖; lactic acid 乳酸
    pushups 俯卧撑
    pull-up 引体向上


    And the erratic numbering system doesn't always tell you exactly where to find a particular address even when you've found the right street.
    e.g. The electricity supply here is quite erratic.
    Imitation: She is very erratic; sometimes she is friendly and sometimes she is too aggressive.

    fair game

    Any landmark is fair game.
    可批评的人(或事物)if a person or thing is said to be fair game, it is considered acceptable to play jokes on them, criticize them, etc.
    e.g. Celebrities are fair game for the press.


    And the extensive testing they went through was nothing more than a weeding-out process that zeroed in on these prospective drivers who were naturally better equipped to be able to learn their way around the maze that is London
    weed sb/sth out 清除;剔除;淘汰
    zero in on sb/sth 把注意力全部集中于
    Weak players are weeded out before the final competition.
    At first, we should zero in on the main idea, and move to the details later.

    flat out

    Until the first decade of the twenty-first century, most scientists would have flat out denied that something like what Maguire has seen in the brains of London cabbies was even possible.
    全力 in a way that is definite and directly; completely
    Imitation: I'm not flat out to get this done.






          本文标题:Peak Chap.2 1/2
