

作者: 外语行天下 | 来源:发表于2020-10-10 10:11 被阅读0次

问候、接电话或引起注意时常用 hello,其实在英语中表达类似 hello 的方法有30种。

1、Hi there 意为“喂,嗨”,例如: 

Oh, it’s you David! Hi there!

2、Howdy 意为“你好“,例如: 

I can still grind it out and say howdy to people.

3、Greetings 意为”问候;招呼“,例如: 

He extended his hand as a greeting.

4、Hey, What’s up? 意为”嘿/喂,怎么了/什么事/出什么事了?“,例如: 

Hey, what’s up? Why are you so angry.

5、Morning/afternoon/evening 意为”早安/午安/晚安“,例如: 

Morning sir, how can I help you?

6、What’s going on? 意为”发生了什么事?“,例如: 

Tom, what’s going on? You looks tired.

7、Hey! There she/he is 意为”嘿!她/他在那儿“,用于无论什么时候你看到某人,例如: 

Hey! There she is. She is gorgeous.

8、How’s everything? 意为”一切如何?“,例如: 

How’s everything going with you?

9、How are things? 意为“情况咋样?”或“近况如何?”,例如: 

How are things going?

10、Good to see you 意为“见到你真高兴”,例如: 

I’m Tom, it’s good to see you.

11、Great to see you 意为“看到你太好了”, 例如: 

It’s great to see you again, John.

12、Nice to see you 意为“见到您很高兴”,例如: 

It’s nice to see you again, David.

13、What’s happening 意为“发生什么事了?”, 例如: 

Hey, what’s happening my son, you look tired.

14、How’s it going? 意为“最近怎么样?”,例如: 

Hey guys, how’s it going?

15、Good evening 意为“晚上好”, 例如: 

Good evening, everyone!

16、Hey, boo 意为“嘿,嘘”,用于你想给不知道你在现场的人一个惊喜。例如: 

Hey, boo, how are you?

17、How are you? 意为“你好吗?”,例如: 

How are you, John?

18、Nice to meet you! 意为“很高兴认识你!”,例如: 

Hi, nice to meet you! I’m Tom.

19、Long time no see 意为“好久不见”,例如: 

Hey Susan. Long time no see. How have you been?

20、What’s the good word? 意为”你还好吗?“,例如:

What’s the good word for today?

21、What’s new? 意为”你好啊?别来无恙?“, 例如: 

What’s new?

22、Look who it is! 意为”看是谁来了!“,例如: 

Look who it is!

23、How have you been? 意为”你还好吗?“ 例如: 

How have you been lately?

24、Nice to see you again. 意为”很高兴又见面了。“ 例如: 

Nice to see you again John.

25、Greetings and felicitations! 意为”问候和祝贺!“,例如: 

Greetings and felicitations! Welcome to our talent show!

26、How are you doing today? 意为”今天过的怎么样?“, 例如: 

How are you doing today?

27、What have you been up to? 意为”你最近在忙些什么?“例如: 

Hey mate, what have you been up to?

28、How are you feeling today? 意为”你今天感觉怎么样?“,例如: 

How are you feeling today?

29、Look what the cat dragged in! 意为”瞧这副窝囊相“,对不整洁的人打的招呼,例如: 

Look Tom, what the cat dragged in!

30、Good afternoon, sir, how are you today? 意为”先生,下午好,你今天怎么样?“ 例如: 

Good afternoon, sir, how are you today?



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