1、音频 海尼曼故事the wise black bird
2、视频 1b 6单元 7单元
今天在散步的路上,一起回顾了上周读的小书the tree house
B: tree. Tree house.
M: yes, we can see the trees.
Who made the tree house.
B:it is the bear.
M: what did he do to make the tree house?
B: ……
M:did he cut the wood?
B: yes. Cut the wood.
M: did he ……(I forgot the thing that bear did.)
B: carry the wood.
M: yes, you are right! The bear carried the wood. He lifted the wood, he hammered the nails into wood. He painted the wood.
Did his friends help him to make the tree house.
B: no.
M: what did they do .
They made a chair for the bear.
B: and bear said thank you.
M: yeah, because they’re best friends.
回顾小书little bat
M: honey, looking, the sky is dark. Maybe the little bat and his mother are flying in the sky to hunt for food.
B: yes
M: what do they eat for food? Do they eat leaves?
B: bugs.
M: yes, they like bugs.

今天读的绘本中,最喜欢的是the wise blackbird, 读的过程中,自己要求把集中说天空颜色的那两页读了两遍,然后睡觉之前单曲循环听这个故事!自己学到里面的语言,自己说bule and yellow is (are)better than green. 因为他喜欢绿色,所以无论说到什么颜色,最后都会扯到绿色上!
