

作者: 天才嘻嘻 | 来源:发表于2017-12-12 13:27 被阅读0次

Since l get up in the morning,I see the  wound because of yesterday'blood donation. l remember that l finished the table ,was tested by nurse,went to the blood donation bus,started to donate my blood,got the proof and litte present.l weren't afraid of the progress.

But when l searched something about blood donation from zhihu,l was considerate and afraid of the seemingly dark world.According to some perspectives in zhihu,there is no theories supporting that donating blood modestly is good at health or harmful for health. Someone will incite you to donate 400cc,It is so much that you body maybe not bear.When you need blood,you maybe don't have blood owing to the absence of blood even though there were many people once donating their cherish blood.

But l firmly convince that the world is not bad and is kind to everybody. If you donate clothes,you can make people be free from coldness.If you donate food,you can protect people from hungry.Only the blood ,it can make people get new life.There is always somebody to dedicate or sacrifice in this world,even if people are animals which are selfish.

Different people have different ideas.Someone will be brave to confronted shaped knife.Someone even can stand by and watch their loved ones die.We don't look forward to people being hero but you don't stop others.People who are gloomy have no courage to do good deeds.They discredit the great deeds of others to disguise their weakness.As if preventing people from flood donation can show the smartness of not donating flood.

Finally,in terms of the weakness of me,l won't donate blood so much.



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