You have doubtless heard the phrase thistoo shall pass , but may not be aware of its rich history and hazy origins.
The roots of the phrase are attributed tosources as diverse as King Solomon, Sufi poets and more generically to anEastern monarch .
In the works of Sufi poets, it is inscribedon a ring given to a king who asked his wise men to create a ring that wouldmake him happy when he felt sad.
Of course, the great irony is that a ringinscribed with this too shall pass not only made the king happy when he wassad, but had the unintended consequence of making him sad when he was happy.
Jewish folklore casts Solomon as bothreceiver and purveyor of the knowledge of impermanence, with one storydescribing the phrase as the only thing that can truly be said at any giventime.
The phrase also enjoyed some popularity inthe West in the 19th century and was famously used by Abraham Lincoln who said,It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him asentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in alltimes and situations.
They presented him the words This too shallpass away.
How much it expresses!
How chastening in the hour of pride!
How consoling in the depths of affliction!
Reference:The Laws of Wealth: Psychology and the secret to investing success,RULE #8. Excess Is NeverPermanent