

作者: fengzi_b0a4 | 来源:发表于2017-06-29 21:35 被阅读0次

What is happiness?I don't know .

But 30 years ago ,the happiest thing  was having good mother.My mother is not a good mother.She is a bit insane.Sometimes ,she felt she was the most unfortunate woman in the world.She often cried because she had poor life .Life was a kind of torture.

She was born in a poor family in the countryside.When she was 12 years old,her mother left her because of illness.She was hurt deeply at that time.Then her father quickly married other woman .She was sad,and she had blue mood at that time .

When she was 20 years old ,she married my father,and she gave birth to fourbabies.Maybe it was BABY BLUE,she was a bit depressed.And she ever committed suicide in front of me .I was a little girl at that time but I stopped her silly behavior.Many years have passed ,I have grown up .But never forgot the terible nightmare.


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