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1 无人驾驶汽车离我们还有多远?
硅谷已经在通过技术研发和并购交易发展无人驾驶技术,但在取得实质性进展前,这些科技公司不得不做一件它们最不擅长的事:那就是等待。 这是因为,作为无人驾驶汽车技术的关键组成部分,人工智能(AI)仍很难全面解析路上可能发生的所有情形,更不用说昂贵车辆无法安装先进驾驶辅助系统等诸多技术难题了 ...
2 预告| 如何打造自动驾驶“大脑”?智行者CTO探析设计思路
Leiphone (博客)
一直以来,智行者都是限定区域内低速无人驾驶的践行者,此前已经推出了“蜗必达”无人驾驶物流小车。今年9 月11 日,这家公司推出了旗下首辆无人驾驶扫路车“蜗小白”,并率先落地北京奥林匹克森林公园。 在王肖看来,只有先将特定场地的自动驾驶做到完善,不断积累经验和数据,打好基本功,才有资格去尝试 ...
3 2017年终盘点:京东还是那个你认为的京东吗?
京东物流全流程无人仓实现了从入库、存储、包装、分拣的全流程、全系统的智能化和无人化,对整个物流领域而言都具有里程碑意义。 而无人车配送,则是亚马逊从未有过的创新。目前京东无人配送车投入使用的有一大一小两种。
4 Top Cars Of 2017 From Production To Clean Autonomous Connected Studies
It has been quite a year for the car industry. The auto world order is about to change. We are getting ever-closer to clean, autonomous, connected driving where even personal ownership is under observation. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nargessbanks/2017/12/30/top-cars-of-2017/#2d813955475a
5 Driverless future looks bright
Longview Daily News
At least that's the reasoning of proponents of autonomous, or driverless, cars — vehicles that are driven entirely by computers and can sense and respond to their surroundings without human guidance.
6 The Self-Driving Bubble Is Nowhere Near Bursting
2017 saw autonomous technology accelerate and secure billions of dollars in funding. With the potential bonanza that self-driving cars are predicted to generate, some have pondered whether the self-driving feeding frenzy is yet another tech bubble ready to pop. Given the insane amounts of money ...
7 Legislation on self-driving cars needed says AA
Irish Times
Legislation on the use of autonomous and self-driving cars should be introduced if Ireland is to “avoid falling behind” its preparation for the future of motoring, AA Ireland has warned. A survey by the Automobile Association found while half of respondents believe self-driving cars are not yet far enough ...
8 Self-Driving Car Liability Limits, Fuel Cells Following Solar's Footsteps … (Cleantech Talk 43)
Episode #43 of Cleantech Talk is here! This episode covers accident liability for self-driving cars, the EV tax credit, and fuel cells' exponential ramp. You can listen to this episode and subscribe to Cleantech Talk on iTunes or Soundcloud. You can also listen via the embedded player above or download ...
9 Lunit Leads the Expansion of AI in the Healthcare Industry
PR Newswire (press release)
Lunit Inc., a member company of the K-ICT Born2Global Centre, has developed a deep learning-based technology for analyzing medical images that dramatically lowers the rate of misdiagnosis. Currently, the AI technology is being subjected to a sophistication process in cooperation with major medical ...
10 Health Care Is Hemorrhaging Data. AI Is Here to Help
Artificial intelligence used to mean something. Now, everything has AI. That app that delivers you late-night egg rolls? AI. The chatbot that pops up when you're buying new kicks? AI. Tweets, stories, posts in your feed, the search results you return, even the people you swipe right or left; artificial ...
北京时间17/12/31 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】
