windbg 和cdbg使用总结

windbg 和cdbg使用总结

作者: 涂鸦啦 | 来源:发表于2017-02-24 11:00 被阅读0次




网络上有很多关于windbg的介绍,但是却很少介绍cdbg,就是windbg的命令行模式 。


cdbg -help的方法
-z dump_path dump路径
-y pdbpath pdb路径
还有更多的详细的命令可以查看 -help

如果你有符号服务器那么你可以设置 环境变量。


    Specify an alternate symbol image path.

    Specify an alternate symbol image path.



环境值: SRV* \\symbols_release*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols




        Specify symbol image path.

        Specify an alternate symbol image path.

        Specify a path which should be searched first for extensions dlls

        Specify executable image path.

        Specify source file path.

        If specified, all output will be written to this file from offset 0.

        If specified, all output will be APPENDed to this file.

        Specifies the size of a server's output history in kilobytes

cdb: Invalid switch 'h'
cdb version 6.12.0002.633
usage: cdb [options]


  <command-line> command to run under the debugger
  -? displays command line help text
  -- equivalent to -G -g -o -p -1 -d -pd
  -2 creates a separate console window for debuggee
  -a<DllName> adds a default extension DLL
  -bonc request break in after session started
  -c "<command>" executes the given debugger command at the first debugger
  -cf <file> specifies a script file to be processed at the first debugger
  -cfr <file> specifies a script file to be processed at the beginning of a
              session (including after .restart)
  -cimp uses implicit create command line from a process server
  -clines <#> number of lines of output history retrieved by a remote client
  -d sends all debugger output to kernel debugger via DbgPrint
     input is requested from the kernel debugger via DbgPrompt
     -d cannot be used with debugger remoting
     -d can only be used when the kernel debugger is enabled
  -ddefer sends all debugger output to kernel debugger via DbgPrint
          input is requested from the kernel debugger via DbgPrompt unless
          there are remote clients that can provide input
          -ddefer can only be used when the kernel debugger is enabled
          -ddefer should be used with -server
  -ee <name> set default expression evaluator
             <name> can be MASM or C++
  -failinc causes incomplete symbol and module loads to fail
  -g ignores initial breakpoint in debuggee
  -G ignores final breakpoint at process termination
  -hd specifies that the debug heap should not be used for created processes.
      This only works on Windows XP and later
  -i <ImagePath> specifies the location of the executables that generated the
                 fault (see _NT_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE_PATH)
  -iae install as AeDebug debugger
  -iaec <Command> install as AeDebug debugger with given command tail
       during CreateProcess
  -iu install dbgeng URL protocols
  -kqm turns on kd quiet mode (equivalent to KDQUIET)
  -lines requests that line number information be used if present
  -loga <logfile> appends to a log file
  -logau <logfile> appends to an Unicode log file
  -logo <logfile> opens a new log file
  -logou <logfile> opens a new Unicode log file
  -myob ignores version mismatches in DBGHELP.DLL
  -n enables verbose output from symbol handler
  -noinh disables handle inheritance for created processes
  -noio disables all I/O
  -noshell disables the .shell (!!) command
  -o debugs all processes launched by debuggee
  -p <pid> specifies the decimal process ID to attach to
  -pb specifies that the debugger should not break in at attach
  -pd specifies that the debugger should automatically detach
  -pe specifies that any attach should be to an existing debug port
  -pn <name> specifies the name of the process to attach to
  -pr specifies that the debugger should resume on attach
  -psn <name> specifies the process to attach to by service name
  -premote <transport>:server=<name>,<params>
    specifies the process server to connect to
    transport arguments are given as with remoting
  -pt <#> specifies the interrupt timeout
  -pv specifies that any attach should be noninvasive
  -pvr specifies that any attach should be noninvasive and nonsuspending
  -QR \\<machine> queries for remote servers
  -r <BreakErrorLevel> specifies the (0-3) error level to break on (see
  -remote <transport>:server=<name>,<params>
    lets you connect to a debugger session started with -server
    must be the first argument if present
      transport: tcp | npipe | ssl | spipe | 1394 | com
      name: machine name on which the debug server was created
      params: parameters the debugger server was created with
        for tcp use:  port=<socket port #>
        for npipe use:  pipe=<name of pipe>
        for 1394 use:  channel=<channel #>
        for com use:  port=<COM port>,baud=<baud rate>,
                      channel=<channel #>
        for ssl and spipe see the documentation
      example: ... -remote npipe:server=yourmachine,pipe=foobar
  -robp allows breakpoints to be set in read-only memory
  -s disables lazy symbol loading
  -sdce pops up dialogs for critical errors
  -server <transport>:<params>
    creates a debugger session other people can connect to
    must be the first argument if present
      transport: tcp | npipe | ssl | spipe | 1394 | com
      params: connection parameterization
        for tcp use:  port=<socket port #>
        for npipe use:  pipe=<name of pipe>
        for 1394 use:  channel=<channel #>
        for com use:  port=<COM port>,baud=<baud rate>,
                      channel=<channel #>
        for ssl and spipe see the documentation
      example: ... -server npipe:pipe=foobar
  -ses enables strict symbol loading
  -sflags <flags> sets symbol flags from a numeric argument
  -sicv ignores the CV record when symbol loading
  -sins ignores the symbol path environment variables
  -snc converts :: to __ in symbol names
  -snul disables automatic symbol loading for unqualified names
  -srcpath <SourcePath> specifies the source search path
  -sup enables full public symbol searches
  -t <PrintErrorLevel> specifies the (0-3) error level to display (see
  -v enables verbose output from debugger
  -version shows the build version
  -vf enables default ApplicationVerifier settings
  -vf:<opts> enables given ApplicationVerifier settings
  -w specifies to debug 16 bit applications in a separate VDM
  -wake <pid> wakes up a sleeping debugger and exits
  -x sets second-chance break on AV exceptions
  -x{e|d|n|i} <event> sets the break status for the specified event
  -y <SymbolsPath> specifies the symbol search path (see _NT_SYMBOL_PATH)
  -z <CrashDmpFile> specifies the name of a crash dump file to debug
  -zp <CrashPageFile> specifies the name of a page.dmp file to use with a
                      crash dump

Environment Variables:

        Specify symbol image path.

        Specify an alternate symbol image path.

        Specify a path which should be searched first for extensions dlls

        Specify executable image path.

        Specify source file path.

        If specified, all output will be written to this file from offset 0.

        If specified, all output will be APPENDed to this file.

        Specifies the size of a server's output history in kilobytes

Control Keys:

     <Ctrl-B><Enter> Quit debugger
     <Ctrl-C>        Break into Target
     <Ctrl-F><Enter> Force a break into debuggee (same as Ctrl-C)
     <Ctrl-\><Enter> Debug Current debugger
     <Ctrl-V><Enter> Toggle Verbose mode
     <Ctrl-W><Enter> Print version information


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      本文标题:windbg 和cdbg使用总结
