作者: Jackie_28b0 | 来源:发表于2017-12-22 06:43 被阅读0次


New Zealand's Overseas Investment Office (OIO) has torpedoed the Chinese HNA Group's proposed $NZ660 million ($603 million) acquisition of ANZ's asset finance and investment business UDC Finance,as flagged byThe Australian Financial Review'sStreet Talk column on December 1.

The OIO, the equivalent to Australia's Foreign Investment Review Board, said HNA was unable to satisfy its questions as to who would ultimately control the asset.

OIO deputy chief executive of policy and overseas investment Lisa Barrett said TIP-HNA Holdings was able to apply to the High Court for a judicial review of the OIO's decision.

Ownership and control interests unclear

"The OIO did not determine who the relevant overseas person was from the information provided about ownership and control interests. The OIO was therefore not satisfied that the test in section 18 of the Overseas Investment Act 2005 was met," Ms Barrett said.

HNA Group, an acquisitive businesswhich owns 10 per cent of Deutsche Bank and 19 per cent of Virgin Australia, has been under considerable scrutiny from foreign regulators because of its high levels of debt and opaque ownership structure. Last month it acquired care dealerAutomotive Holding Group's refrigerated logistics business for $400 million.

ANZ Bank group executive and New Zealand CEO David Hisco said the sale agreement would remain in place should HNA Group choose to appeal the decision.

"If the sale does not proceed, we'll assess our strategic options regarding the future of UDC. It's a great business and there is no immediate decision to do anything, particularly given the strength of ANZ's capital position."

HNA Group issued a short statement that did not provide any further visibility over its next move, saying it would be watching the new government's approach to foreign investment carefully before making a decision to appeal.

Disappointed with decision

"We are disappointed by the OIO's decision and find it inconsistent with the views of other regulators around the world that have recently issued approvals to HNA and other Chinese investors," the statement read.

The sale of UDC to HNA Group was first flagged more than a year ago and was announced on January 11, 2017.

The sale was expected to deliver ANZ an additional 10 basis points of common equity tier one (CET1) capital. The bank said FY18 earnings would be adjusted to reflect the development and the $1.5 billion buyback would not be affected.


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