昨晚的workshop,主题是 Planting seeds for long term growth! 主讲人Stanton, 是在美国上大学的加拿大籍中国人,年纪应该跟我差不多大。
Where do you want to be in 5 years? What kind of life do you want to be living? What kind of job do you want to have? What kind of relationship do you want to be in? What will your home look like? Where will you be located? How much closer to financial freedom will you be?
这一系列的问题都是我最近在思考的问题。I am already here where I wanted to be as a child and I am in a situation to find my new path and this was helpful and it will be the beginning of my future goals.
对的。Workshop结束以后,我跟Stanton讲说: 改天请你喝咖啡!