TE选文:睡眠 20200712

TE选文:睡眠 20200712

作者: 自观问渠 | 来源:发表于2020-07-19 16:46 被阅读0次

学习目标:1 睡眠相关的主题词汇 2 地道表达

1 perchance to dream: 源自《哈姆莱特》。原场景是哈姆莱特对死亡主题展开思考,深陷于痛苦中的他对死亡、睡眠与梦境浮想联翩。

2 the pioneer in the science of sleep, the pioneer of sleep science 同义替换

Paragraph 1 & P2

1 睡眠相关:sleep-deprived 缺觉,睡眠不足; slumber 沉睡 ;toss and turn 辗转反侧睡不着; restless legs 不眠之夜; a debt of sleep 睡眠不足

2 worse: 前一句说一种糟糕的情况,下一句加深程度,用Worse, 连接


1 睡眠相关: drowsiness睡意/ drowse(verb),nod off 打瞌睡;sleep debt = a debt of sleep; sleepy类似 drowsy; fall asleep 睡着了 

2 句型:XX blame YY for the fact that ZZ.  XX把ZZ这件事归咎于YY

3 totally or in part: 完全或部分上来说, 用在解释观点时可以避免表达得过于绝对

4 a national plague 联系当前covid-19 的international plague,用在此处挺应景的

5 the grounding of the oil tanker/ the plane 搭配 


1 睡眠相关:sleep problems, sleep disorders; insomnia 失眠;obstructive sleep apnea(OSA)阻塞型睡眠呼吸暂停

2 Morpheus 睡神,注意人名末尾是s但仍然加 's

3 缺乏社会关注 the lack of awareness in society 没有冠词the

P5& P6

1 睡眠相关:REM sleep 快速眼动睡眠(又称 积极睡眠);sleep clinic ; insomiac 失眠症患者;sleep camps 睡眠训练营 ;narcolepsy 嗜睡症


1 睡眠相关:heavy-eyed (appearing tired or sleepy)

2 phenomenally popular 家喻户晓

3 go on teaching past 90 年过九旬仍在教书

4 句型:Drowsiness is red alert ! 红色警戒,比喻非常危险

5 句型: Word spread. 名声迅速传开


1 睡眠相关:blissful slumber; naps 午睡; bedtime 就寝时间; be caught napping

P9 & P10

1 睡眠相关:drift away 飘走(比喻进入梦乡)

2 re-runs 重播

3 bright-eyed and bushy-tailed: eager and happy

例句:He always leaps out of bed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.



The siesta is a real institution in China. Elderly people may doze off from time to time during the day and sleep only five hours a night. Office workers often take a snooze after lunch; some even fall into deep slumber without having lunch. Nap time is scheduled in kindergartens. Indeed, there is nothing like a rest in the middle of a busy day.


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