用命令删除索引 rm ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/search_index.json
输入:pod search AFNetworking 问题:Unable to find a pod with n...
1 pod search xxxx 出现 Unable To find a pod with name , aut...
一、pod search 时出现[!] Unable to find a pod with name, autho...
执行 pod search af报错 [!] Unable to find a pod with name, au...
Unable to find a specification for `XXXXXXX` cocopods Pod...
CocoaPod [!] Unable to find a pod with name, author, summ...
[!] Unable to find a pod with name, author, summary, or d...
Unable to find a pod with name, author, summary, or descr...
本文标题:iOS-[!] Unable to find a pod wit