
作者: 03ba3a5b361c | 来源:发表于2016-05-26 22:12 被阅读0次


hang over sb. / sth. 笼罩

A sense of hopelessness hung over the twon.

Uncertainty hung over the staff. Many felt that they were going to get fired.


The actor's unique interpretation of this character won a lot of praise.

interfere with打扰;干涉V.+ sth.  

Charles went to the library so that nothing would interfere with studying.

The project was extremely difficult, but the sense of accomplishment is huge.

daily steps

Sometimes it might seem like you aren't making any progress, and it is too difficult to continue walking, but don't give up! Take small steps everyday until you come out of the darkness that is created by the depression.

at one point   过去的某刻without details

sth1 and sth2 added to sth else

negative thoughts and wrong interpretations of people's words and actions can added to your depression .

The balloons and lively music added to the party atmosphere.

wrongly assume

under control   = sth is being dealed with

Please learn how to keep depression under control, don't let it take over your life.

diet  v.s. dieting

diet : the food we eat  a healthy diet  /v.

go on a diet  = start to diet properly 

be on a diet = maitain a diet

stick to my promises


overwhelm  使…无法承受

A feelinof isolation overwhelmed her when she first moved to the country.

The girl wasn't overwhelmed by her sudden fame and wealth.

take sth./sb/ seriously 把…当回事

Billy thinks no one here takes her seriously

fierce 激烈的

The competition between these two rival teams is fierce/ intensitive.

The coach is famous for his fierce temper.

consume 消耗;使用

The gibrid car consumes less oil than a regular one.

My son and his friends consumed everything in my fridge in one afternoon.

History holds examples of writers, artists and leaders to accomplish great things even in depression.

look sb. in the eye 看着某人的眼/真挚的表情

serious v.s sincere

Marriage is a serious decision.

you could give sb. your sincere thanks.

live with sth. 逆来顺受  be stuck in an unplasant situation that you really can't get out of, so you learn to live with it.

"Cane , that's the interesting hair cut you have"

"I know, it'e pretty bad , but I will live."= I'll survive/get over/not be defeate d by a particular situation as bad as it could be.

cope with sth.  = tolerate

manic depression = bipolar disorder

mood swing :sudden and unexpected changes in their mood.

It is really hard to talk to him, because of his mood swings, you never know how he is going to react.

The eastern part of country seems to be having a mood swing, people there have changed their opinion on who they want to be t president.

daily life  = normal part of one's life

Although…hasn't…, it has… enough that sb can

Although the wound on my foot hasn't healed, the swelling[肿胀] has gone down enough that I can walk normally.



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    夜,微凉。 江南水乡穿遥而过的女孩。 错的时间里遇上对的人。 也是世间一种不可挽留的哀伤。 虚如幻雾,华灯初上。 ...

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    凌晨失眠 读了《你一年的8760小时》 前两章,算鸡汤文吧,但还是挺不错的。 借鉴了其中一个方法论 如下 太困啦,睡觉。

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    1.感冒还没有好。。。。。。 2.我德法网第二轮晋级,二货不要再作了 3.如何应对人性的多面性与复杂性 4.生活不...

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  • 2016.5.26


  • 2016.5.26

    19A+B hang over sb. / sth. 笼罩 A sense of hopelessness hun...

  • 2016.5.26   周五



