What does your father do? 你爸爸做什么?
He works in some company. 他在某家公司上班。
He works for a computer company. 他在电脑公司上班。
He works for ASUS. 他为华硕电脑工作。
He works for government. 他为政府工作。
My mom teaches at a school. 我妈妈在学校教书。
My mon is a homemaker. 我妈妈是家庭主妇。
My parents both work. 我爸妈都有工作。
My dad is very strict. 我爸很严厉。
Daddy's too busy to play with me often. 爸爸太忙了,不能常跟我玩。
Daddy plays with us on weekends. 爸爸在周末跟我们玩。
Daddy helps clean the house. 爸爸帮忙打扫房间。
My mom's a good cook. 我妈很会做饭。
Mommy's busy because she has to take care of us. 因为妈妈要照顾我们,所以很忙。
I look a lot like my mom. 我长得跟妈妈很像。
My mom and dad are in a good relationship. 我妈和我爸的感情很好。
I respect my parents. 我尊敬我的爸妈。
My parents got divorced. 我爸妈离婚了。