一起读《小王子》 | 第十三章生词与解析

一起读《小王子》 | 第十三章生词与解析

作者: 面朝三帆 | 来源:发表于2017-03-08 18:30 被阅读199次

    一起读《小王子》 | The Little Prince Chapter 13

    • This man was so much occupied that he did not even raise his head at the little prince's arrival.

    occupied 忙碌的;全神贯注的

    • I don't amuse myself with balderdash.

    amuse 给…提供娱乐(或消遣) amuse oneself
    balderdash 胡言乱语;废话;蠢话

    • The first time was twenty-two years ago, when some giddy goose fell from goodness knows where. He made the most frightful noise that resounded all over the place,

    giddy 头晕;眼花缭乱;头晕眼花;令人头昏目眩的
    frightful 讨厌的;令人不快的;可怕的
    resound 回响;鸣响

    • I was disturbed by an attack of rheumatism.

    rheumatism 风湿病

    • I have no time for loafing.

    loaf 游荡;闲逛;虚掷光阴

    • Oh, no. Little glittering objects.

    glittering 闪烁的;闪光;亮铮铮

    • I am concerned with matters of consequence: I am accurate.

    accurate 精确的;准确的;

    • Kings do not own, they reign over.

    reign (国王或女王)统治,治理

    • the businessman retorted, peevishly.

    retort 反驳;回嘴
    peevishly 气恼地

    • When you get an idea before any one else, you take out a patent on it: it is yours.

    patent 专利权

    • I administer them.

    administer 治理,管理(国家等);施行,实施(法律、考核等)

    • If I owned a silk scarf

    scarf 围巾;头巾

    • If I owned a flower, I could pluck that flower and take it away with me.

    pluck 采;摘

    • It is rather poetic.

    poetic 诗一般的;富有诗意的



          本文标题:一起读《小王子》 | 第十三章生词与解析
