2017 07 03

2017 07 03

作者: TRICCCC | 来源:发表于2017-07-04 08:48 被阅读0次

1. outcry: an reaction of strong disapproval and anger showned by the public and media about a recent  event.

2. shore up: If you shore up something that is weak or about to fail, you do something in oder to shtrengthen it or support it.

SYN:  encourage; carry; support of; sustain

3. mangroves: a tropical trees that grows in or near water and grow new roots from it branches.

4. contraceptive: a drug, object, or method used to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant when she has sex.

oral contraceptive: 口服避孕药

contraceptive coil: 避孕环

SYN: prophylactic; artifertility

5. midwives=midwife    a midewife is a nurse who is trained to deliver babies and to advise pregnant women.

6. lackluster: lacking brilliant and vatality; lacking luster and shine.

7. trajectory: a curved path of an object that  has been fired or thrown through the air.

                     an event that happen during the period of time, which often lead to a particular aim or result.

ballistic trajectory: 弹道轨迹

SYN: path, track, railway, orbit

9.exodus: a situation in which a lot of people leave a particular palce at the same time.

Exodus: 出埃及记

10.brain drain: a movement of highly skilled and professional from their country to a country where they can earn more money.                                          人才流失

11. nobler: something that is noble is very impressive and beautiful.

12. etiqutte: the formall rules for polite behaviour in society or in a particular group .

SYN: ceremony, protocol, manner

13. sugar-coated words: 甜言蜜语 honey-sweet words

14. cholera: a serious dieases that cause sickness and sometimes death. It is caused by eating infected foods or drinking infected water.

15. plummet: to suddenly and quicly decrease in value or amount.

                      to fall suddenly or quickly from a very high place.



      本文标题:2017 07 03
