Python 字符串的10个常用操作技巧

Python 字符串的10个常用操作技巧

作者: 金融测试民工 | 来源:发表于2020-03-05 20:13 被阅读0次



1. 空格剥离


s =' This is a sentence with whitespace. \n'

print('Strip leading whitespace: {}'.format(s.lstrip()))

print('Strip trailing whitespace: {}'.format(s.rstrip()))

print('Strip all whitespace: {}'.format(s.strip()))

Strip leading whitespace: This is a sentence with white space.

Strip trailing whitespace:     This is a sentence with white space.

Strip all whitespace: This is a sentence with white space.


s ='This is a sentence with unwanted characters.AAAAAAAA'

print('Strip unwanted characters: {}'.format(s.rstrip('A')))

Strip unwanted characters: This is a sentence with unwanted characters.

注意,必要时不要忘记检查字符串 format()文档。

2. 字符串拆分

    利用Python中的 split() 方法可以轻易将字符串拆分成较小的子字符串列表。例如:

s='KDnuggets is a fantastic resource'


['KDnuggets', 'is', 'a', 'fantastic', 'resource']


s ='these,words,are,separated,by,comma'

print('\',\' separated split -> {}'.format(s.split(',')))        //['these', 'words', 'are', 'separated', 'by', 'comma']

s ='abacbdebfgbhhgbabddba'

print('\'b\' separated split -> {}'.format(s.split('b')))        //['a', 'ac', 'de', 'fg', 'hhg', 'a', 'dd', 'a']

3. 将列表元素合成字符串


s = ['KDnuggets','is','a','fantastic','resource']

print(' '.join(s))                //KDnuggetsisa fantastic resource


s = ['Eleven','Mike','Dustin','Lucas','Will']

print(' and '.join(s))                //Eleven and Mike and Dustin and Lucas and Will

4. 字符串反转


5. 大小写转换

    利用upper(), lower(),和swapcase()方法可以进行大小写之间的转换。

s ='KDnuggets'

print('\'KDnuggets\' as uppercase: {}'.format(s.upper()))            //'KDnuggets' as uppercase: KDNUGGETS

print('\'KDnuggets\' as lowercase: {}'.format(s.lower()))            //'KDnuggets' as lowercase: kdnuggets

print('\'KDnuggets\' as swapped case: {}'.format(s.swapcase()))            //'KDnuggets' as swappedcase: kdNUGGETS

6. 检查是否有字符串成员



7. 子字符串替换

    找到子字符串之后,如果想替换这一子字符串,该怎么办?Python 中的replace()字符串方法将解决这一问题。如下:

s1 ='The theory of data science is of the utmost importance.'

s2 ='practice'

print('The new sentence: {}'.format(s1.replace('theory', s2)))                        

//The new sentence: The practice of data science is of the utmost importance.

    如果同一个子字符串出现多次的话,利用计数参数这一选项,可以指定要进行连续替换的最大次数。str.replace(old, new, max)

str = "this is string example....wow!!! this is really string";

print str.replace("is", "was", 3);                //thwas was string example....wow!!! thwas is really string

8. 组合多个列表的输出


a = [1,2,3]

b = [4,5,6]

print(zip(a,b))     # 打包为元组的列表[(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]

9. 同字母异序词检查


from collections import Counter

def is_anagram(s1, s2):

    return Counter(s1) == Counter(s2)

s1 ='listen'

s2 ='silent'

s3 ='runner'

s4 ='neuron'

print('\'listen\' is an anagram of \'silent\' -> {}'.format(is_anagram(s1, s2)))                //'listen' an anagram of 'silent' -> True

print('\'runner\' is an anagram of \'neuron\' -> {}'.format(is_anagram(s3, s4)))                'runner'an anagramof'neuron'-> False

10. 回文检查

    如果想检查给定的单词是否是回文,怎么办?我们可以先通过切片,创建一个单词的反转,然后利用 == 运算符来检查这2个字符串(原始字符串和反向字符串)是否相等。

def is_palindrome(s):

    reverse = s[::-1]

    if(s == reverse):




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      本文标题:Python 字符串的10个常用操作技巧
