2020-02-16 20/20异象系列之三:牧养在你们中间的神

2020-02-16 20/20异象系列之三:牧养在你们中间的神

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2020-02-17 01:56 被阅读0次
Dave Zuleger 戴夫·朱列格
1 Peter 5:1-4 彼得前书5:1-4
1 So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: 2 shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; 3 not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock. 4 And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. 1 我这同作长老,也是为基督受苦作见证,又是同享将来所要显现的荣耀的,劝你们当中作长老的: 2 务要牧养在你们中间的 神的羊群,按着 神的旨意看顾他们。不是出于勉强,而是出于甘心;不是因为贪财,而是出于热诚; 3 也不是要辖制讬付你们的羊群,而是作他们的榜样。 4 到了牧长显现的时候,你们必定得着那永不衰残的荣耀冠冕。
Introduction: The Context of Shepherding 引言:牧养的语境
The undershepherds at Bethlehem have felt the Chief Shepherd – Jesus Christ – leading toward more intentional care for the flock God has entrusted to us over the past few years. There has been a renewed emphasis on membership so that we know who we are called to give an account for. There is a plan for shepherding care at every campus. And so much of this is inspired by the heart of our Chief Shepherd who knows us by name and is the overseer of our souls. 伯利恒的牧者感觉到那大牧长——耶稣基督——正在把我们带领走向更周详地照看神在过去这些年中交托给我们的羊群。我们要重新加强会员制建设,好清楚知道我们要为谁而交账。各个堂区都有牧养计划。这启示是来自大牧长的心,祂按照名字认识我们,也是我们灵魂的监督。
We are not Jesus. But, we want to follow in his footsteps in knowing you, loving you, and pointing you to him as we seek to lead you to him with his word. So, if you’re here this morning, let me first invite you to consider membership. We want to care for you well. 我们不是耶稣。但是,我们想要跟随祂的脚印来认识你们,爱你们,把你们指向祂,用祂的话语把你们带到祂那里。所以,如果你今天坐在这里,让我首先邀请你来考虑加入会员。我们想要更好地照看你。
My main point this morning is that elders are meant to shepherd the flock of God among them through afflictions and trials of this life as they march toward final glory in the presence of Jesus together. Peter shows us this reality and I think this gets to the center of the burden your elders feel to shepherd you better. We want to help you hope in Jesus and get to Jesus through all the ugliness of this life. 我今天早上的要点就是作长老意味着要牧养在他们中间的神的羊群,在此生中共渡患难与试炼,一同走到耶稣面前的荣耀里。彼得向我们展示了这一现实,我想这也正是你们的长老们感觉到的负担,就是要更好地牧养你们。我们想要帮助你们增长在耶稣里的盼望,穿过此生的丑恶,走向耶稣。
• In 1 Peter 1:3-9 we see that we have been born again to a living hope, with an inheritance that imperishable, undefiled, and unfading waiting for us, and this will hope of glory will be realized through various fiery trials. 彼得前书1:3-9中我们看到我们已经重生,有了永生的盼望,可以得着不会朽坏、不会玷污、不会衰残,为我们在天上存留的基业,但这个荣耀的盼望要经历各样如火的试炼才能实现。
• In 2:20-21 we see that we will suffer for good and follow in the footsteps of Jesus who left us an example of this. 在2:20-21中我们看到我们要因行善而受苦,要跟随耶稣的脚踪,祂为我们留下了榜样。
• 1 Peter 3:8-17 is all about the goodness of suffering for the glory of Christ. 彼得前书3:8-17讲的都是为基督的荣耀受苦有什么好处。
• 1 Peter 4:1-5 talks about suffering in the flesh now so that we are ready for the day of judgment. 彼得前书4:1-5讲的是我们现在在肉身上受苦,是为审判的日子作好准备。
• 1 Peter 4:12-14 tells us we should not be surprised at the fiery trials that come to test us, but we should rejoice as we share in Christ’s sufferings so that we will be ready when his glory is revealed. 彼得前书4:12-14告诉我们,我们不要对如火的试炼感到意外,而应当大喜乐,因为我们在基督的受苦上有分,当祂荣耀显现的时候,我们就作好了准备。
And finally, we see that even in the beginning of our passage in verse 1: 最后,我们来看今天经文的第1节开头:
So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed. 我这同作长老,也是为基督受苦作见证,又是同享将来所要显现的荣耀的,劝你们当中作长老的
There it is: elders are meant to shepherd the flock of God among them through afflictions and trials of this life as they march toward final glory in the presence of Jesus together. That’s the context we shepherd in. That’s the blazing, joyful, and hope-filled passion of the elders in this 20/20 vision. So, with that context I want us to look at: 1) The Who of Shepherding, 2) The What of Shepherding, and 3) The How of Shepherding. 这就是:作长老意味着要牧养在他们中间的神的羊群,在此生中共渡患难与试炼,一同走到耶稣面前的荣耀里。这就是我们牧养的上下文。那就是20/20异象中长老们心中熊熊燃烧,充满喜乐,充满盼望的激情所在。所以,基于这上下文我希望我们来看:1)牧养谁,2)牧养什么,以及3)如何牧养。
The Who of Shepherding 牧养谁
Let me just make a quick note here of what Bethlehem thinks about elders. We think elders and pastors and overseers are all one office in the Bible. All pastors are elders and all elders are overseers. 1 Peter 5:1-2 is one of the places we would go to show this reality. In verse 1 Peter says he is a fellow elder. In verse 2 he commands these elders to shepherd or pastor. And then in verse 2 he describes their task as oversight. So, these words describe different functions and facets of the same office. It’s not just the on-staff elders that are pastors here at Bethlehem. 让我简短说明一下伯利恒教会关于长老的教导。我们认为长老、牧师和监督在圣经中都指的是同一种职分。所有的牧师都是长老,所有的长老也都是监督。彼得前书5:1-2是说明这一现实的经文之一。在第1节中彼得说他是同作长老的。第2节他命令这些长老要牧养,或当牧师。然后在第2节中他形容他们的任务是看顾(监督)。所以这些词描写了同一个职分的不同功能和侧面。在伯利恒教会,并不是只有雇员长老才是牧师。
This is important and I bring it up because these changes aren’t merely to hear more from Jason, Steven, and me. It’s for you to hear more from elders who will give account for your souls. You will hear from other elders more from the pulpit, but Jason, Steven, and me will be seeking to represent the voices of the campus elders as the ones preaching most because we are an elder team. Our desire is for all the elders to know and care for you well. Then as we labor together as elders, we hope our knowledge of the flock helps us to see the dangers more clearly and lead you more directly. The New Testament holds up a plurality of elders for a particular flock as the way the church is led and we think this vision strengthens that. 这一点很重要,我要提出来,是因为这些改变不是仅仅从杰森、司提反和我这里听到。你们将要从别的长老那里听到这些,他们要为你们的灵魂交账。你们将从讲台上听到更多其他长老们讲道,只是杰森、司提反和我代表各个堂区的长老团队作主要的讲员。我们的愿望是所有的长老们都能更好地认识你们,照看你们。当我们作为长老并肩工作时,我们希望我们对羊群的认识会帮助我们更清楚地看见危险在哪里,更直接地带领你们。新约圣经展示了一羊群由多个长老带领的教会模式,我们认为这个异象将让我们加强这种模式。
So, what does Peter exhort all of us elders/pastors/overseers to do? 所以,彼得劝勉我们作长老/牧师/监督的做什么?
Shepherd the flock of God among you. 牧养在你们中间的羊群。
Remember back with me to Acts 20:29 from a few weeks ago and Paul’s charge to keep a careful watch on the flock. 请跟我一起回忆几周前讲过的使徒行传20:29中,保罗关于谨慎照看羊群的劝勉。
Know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. 我知道在我离开之后,必有兇暴的豺狼进入你们中间,不顾惜羊群。
Which sheep do we shepherd? Those among us. Where will the wolves come? In among you. The words “among you” are there for a reason. There’s a spatial aspect to shepherding. The New Testament holds up shepherding with proximity and presence as a necessary part of it. A good shepherd can’t watch, protect, and speak to his sheep from some far-off field. I said at the beginning that we want to follow the lead of our Chief Shepherd, Jesus. Listen to this verse from John 10: 我们在牧养哪些羊?那些在我们中间的。豺狼从哪里出来?从你们中间。“在你们中间”这个词是有理由的。牧养有个空间范围。新约圣经坚持空间上的邻近和同在是牧养所必需的。一个好牧人不能从远处照看、保护他的羊,并对羊说话。我在开头说过我们想要跟随我们大牧长,耶稣的带领。请听约翰福音10章:
I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me. (10:14) 我是好牧人,我认识我的羊,我的羊也认识我(10:14)
The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. (10:3-4) 看门的给他开门,羊也听他的声音;他按著名字呼叫自己的羊,领牠们出来。他把自己的羊领出来以后,就走在前头,羊也跟随他,因为认得他的声音。(10:3-4)
Your elders want to know you better. That is why every campus has a plan of one kind or another to seek to know you and have you know us. And we want to be pastors that speak to you in Sunday School, counseling sessions, and from the pulpit with your names in our minds. 你们的长老们想要更好地认识你们。那就是为什么各个堂区都有这样或那样的计划为要认识你们,也让你们认识我们。我们想要作牧师,在主日学中讲课,为你们作咨询,在讲台上讲道时心中记挂着你们的名字。
I preached a sermon on suffering recently at the South Campus and the text came alive and my heart came alive as I sat with several suffering saints that I knew by name on Thursday and Friday. Prayers for them and others among us filled my preparation and my hopes for what God might do to strengthen our faith. And on Sunday as I looked out at them and proclaimed the Chief Shepherd, there is a sweet knowing and being known that happens. 最近我在南堂讲了一篇关于苦难的讲道,在周四和周五,当我坐在受苦的圣徒中间,他们的名字我都认识,这时相关的经文好像自己活了起来,我的心也跟着活了过来。他们的祷告及我们中间其他人的祷告推动着我的准备过程,也鼓舞了我对神要如何坚固我们信心的盼望。到了周日,当我们一眼看到他们,开口宣讲那大牧长,就有了彼此两相知的甜美。
The elders feel a burden that the best way to shepherd and speak to our flock is do so with those “among us.” Those we live life with and minister regularly to at our three gathering places. We think this is a move into greater faithfulness of carrying out this vision of shepherding. How will we know the dangers or the lacks or the burdens to shepherd you with if we aren’t among you? 长老们感到有负担的是,牧养的最好办法就是对“在我们中间”的那些人讲话。就是那些在三个聚会点常常生活在一起,并且彼此服事的人。我们认为这是一个朝着更加忠心地实现牧养异象的转变。要是我们不在你们中间,我们如何在牧养中知道你们有什么危险,有什么缺乏,有什么负担呢?
So, the who of shepherding is to shepherd the flock of God among us. 所以,牧养谁,就是牧养在我们中间的神的羊群。
The What of Shepherding 牧养什么
So, what is shepherding exactly? The second half of verse 2 puts it plainly, exercising oversight. 那么,确切地说,什么是牧养?第2节的下半部分说得很明白,看顾监督。
This is the 20/20 vision. The elders want to fight for sight of the flock of God among us. I was reflecting on Psalm 23 this week with all of these shepherding passages in my mind what struck me so strongly is the amazing reality the never-ceasing presence of the Shepherd that leads to timely protection and provision. 这就是20/20异象。长老们想要更多地注目于在我们中间的神的羊群。这个星期我心里一直在回味诗篇23中那些牧养的句子,最打动我的是那牧者不间断的同在,给予及时的保护和供应。
We see oversight so clearly in Psalm 23. He makes us lie down in green pastures. He leads us beside still waters. He restores our soul. He leads us in the paths of righteousness for his names’ sake. He’s with us in the valley of the shadow of death. He anoints our heads with oil. He pursues us with goodness and mercy. 我们在诗篇23中很清楚地看到监督。祂让我们躺卧在青草地上。祂领我们到可安歇的水边。祂让我们的灵魂甦醒。祂为自己的名引导我们走义路。祂在死荫的幽谷中与我们同在。祂用油膏了我们的头。祂用恩惠慈爱跟随我们。
Notice that all of these tasks require that the Shepherd is with them and very alert to their needs. We want to exercise this kind of careful, alert oversight by being among you and knowing you. 请注意所有这些任务都要求牧人与羊群在一起,时刻注意它们的需要。我们要实行这种细致、警觉的监督,就是要在你们中间,认识你们。
And because the elders at your campuses are responsible for this oversight, we think it is appropriate that you hear regularly from one of those shepherds among you. I want to go back to a passage that Jason showed us last week and show you how speaking the word of God and being among you are meant to go together for leaders of the flock: 因为你们各堂区的长老们为这监督的职分负责,我们认为你们常规性地听你们中间的牧者讲道是合宜的。我想要回到杰森上周给我们看的经文,让你们看到,对于羊群的领导而言,传讲神的话语和在你们中间这两点如何合而为一:
Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. (Hebrews 13:7) 你们要记念那些领导过你们,把 神的道传给你们的人;你们要观察他们一生的成果,要效法他们的信心。
These leaders, these elders of the flock of God are close enough to the flock that the flock can consider their way of life and imitate their faith. The elders know them and they know the elders. And as they get to know them, these leaders speak specific words of protection and provision to them from the word of God for their specific needs. 这些领导,这些神的羊群的长老们离羊群足够近,所以羊群能够观察他们的生活方式,仿效他们的信心。长老们认识他们,他们也认识长老们。当他们彼此认识,这些领导就能够从神的话语中针对他们的特定需要讲具体实在的话语作为保护和供应。
A shepherd is meant to know his sheep and speak to them as he leads them where they need to go and protects them from dangers. Shepherds far away or shepherds that can’t speak to their flock regularly will have a harder time exercising the kind of oversight this passage calls us to. 一个牧者就是要认识他的羊,对它们说话,带领它们需要去的地方,保护它们脱离危险。牧者们要是离得远,或牧者们不能经常对他们说话,就很难实现这段经文呼召我们要做的那种监督。
So, we want to shepherd the flock of God among us – those we regularly do life with – and we want to be those who exercise careful oversight with specific words of encouragement and exhortation from the Bible. The elders at Bethlehem have felt as the Lord has led us towards more campus in ministry and care that it is fitting for there to be an elder that “labors in preaching and teaching” (1 Timothy 5:17) from that campus context. 所以,我们想要牧养在我们中间的神的羊群——就是那些常常与我们在一起生活的人——我们也想要成为那些执行细致监督者,用圣经的话语切合实际地讲鼓励和劝勉的话。伯利恒教会的长老们感觉到,既然主已经带领我们发展成多堂区模式,那就应该根据各自堂区的具体情况作一个“在讲道和教导上劳苦”(提摩太前书5:17)的长老。
Let me give an illustration. I am a dad and a husband. I try to work hard to know my wife. To know my kids. To know their hearts – their joys, fears, sorrows, and sins – and to seek to shepherd them. It’s fitting that I speak to them regularly from the word based on that knowledge of them, right? So now imagine that every night as our family gets ready for family devotionals that I sit them down on, pull out my phone, and Facetime Jason to do our family devotionals. Now, no one is arguing that Jason’s devotional wouldn’t be awesome. I’m sure it would be. But, there is a fittingness to me speaking to my family in that moment because they are the ones charged to my direct care. 让我来举个例证。我是一位父亲与是一个丈夫。我努力要了解我的妻子和我的孩子们。要了解他们的心——他们的喜乐、恐惧、悲伤和罪——寻求牧养他们。根据我对他们的了解我常常对他们说话,不是合宜的吗?好,现在想像一下,每天晚上我们全家准备好作家庭灵修,我让他们坐下来,掏出手机,接通杰森的视频电话,让他来带领我们的家庭灵修。没有人对杰森的灵修水平有任何疑问。我敢保证。但是,在那个时候,我对我全家讲话才是合适的,因为他们是被交托给我直接照看的人。
What I’m not saying is that the shepherds listen for the felt needs of the flock and adjust the gospel accordingly. I’m saying shepherds should be those who love the word of God and love the people of God. Shepherds should be those who exegete the Bible first and then exegete their people. Shepherds must hold high the word of truth because they cannot love their people if they don’t love them with the truth of the word of God - in all its encouragements and exhortations – in all of its comforts and conviction. 我不是说牧者要听取羊群的感觉性需求并相应地调整福音。我说的是,牧者应该是爱神的话语也爱神的子民的人。牧者应该是先解读圣经,然后解读羊群的人。牧者必须高举真理的话语因为要是他们不用圣道的真理来爱人,他们就无法爱人。神的话语里有鼓励和劝勉,有安慰与定罪。
I’m saying that as a group of shepherds knows the flock there will be different burdens and applications of the word they exhort their people with. Just as Paul wrote different letters into different contexts and there are different letters to the seven churches in Revelation, so each context needs certain gospel antidotes for our spiritual ailments. 我说的是,作为一个了解羊群的牧者团队,总是有不同的负担和话语的应用可以用来劝勉他们的羊群。正如保罗写的信都是针对不同教会的实际情况,启示录里给七个教会的信也是各不相同,所以每个教会实际情况需要特定的福音解毒剂针对不同的属灵病症。
So, we shepherd those among us working hard to see and know the flock and speaking the word of God to protect and provide for the flock in their particular needs. 所以,我们牧养那些在我们中间的人,努力照看且了解羊群,对它们说神的话语,以保护它们,供应它们具体的需要。
The How Of Shepherding 如何牧养
In verses 2-3 we see three contrasting statements about how the elders are called to exercise this oversight in their knowing, leading, and speaking. We need your prayers to do this well. We want to care for you as shepherds following in the footsteps of the Chief Shepherd and we know that sin, suffering, and Satan will seek to undo our faith and yours – and so we need your prayers. Let’s look at these contrasts together. 在2-3节中我们看到三个对比,是关于长老们如何被呼召来做监督,就是了解、带领和传讲。我们需要你们的祷告来做好这件事。我们想要照顾你们,如牧者跟随大牧长的脚踪,我们也知道罪、苦难和撒但会寻求破坏我们的信仰和你们的信仰——所以我们需要你们的祷告。让我们一起来看这些对比。
1. Not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you. 1.不是出于勉强,乃是出于甘心,是按着神的旨意
A shepherd does not serve as a way to please man. A shepherd doesn’t become a shepherd because they are pressured into it. And a shepherd doesn’t operate in their role by letting certain people pressure them into doing certain things. Instead, a shepherd becomes a shepherd by the call of God – appointed by the Holy Spirit. And a shepherd operates in their role by always asking the question – how can I please God and be faithful to his call. 牧者的服事不是为了取悦于人。一个牧者不是因为被迫才成为牧者。一个牧者也不是被某些人强迫着做某些事来扮演他的角色。相反,一个牧者是因着神的呼召而成为牧者——被圣灵选立。一个牧者在执行角色时总是要问这个问题——我如何能讨神的喜悦,对祂的呼召忠心?
Paul models this kind of devotion to willingly follow God and not man even when its hard. 保罗为我们作了榜样,他全然摆上,甘心乐意地跟从神,而不是跟从人,哪怕艰难重重。
But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts. (1 Thessalonians 2:4) 相反地,神既然考验过我们,把福音委讬给我们,我们就传讲,不像是讨人欢心的,而是讨那察验我们心思的 神的喜悦。(帖撒罗尼迦前书2:4)
So, elders must seek to be faithful to God and this comes primarily from being men devoted to the word and prayer. They must be men who are willing to seek the eternal good of God’s people by calling them to follow Jesus in all things – not men seeking to please others. 所以,长老们必须寻求对神忠心,而这首先要成为一个专注于神的话语和祷告的人。他们必须是愿意寻求神的子民永恒福祉,呼召他们在凡事上跟随耶稣——而不是那种专门取悦他人的人。
2. Not for shameful gain, but eagerly; 2.不是因为贪财,而是出于热诚;
Now, this often associated with money and I think that’s one right way to think about this. Listen to these verses in John 10: 这一处常常联系到金钱,我想有一个正确的方式来思考这个问题。请听约翰福音10章:
He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. (John 10:12-13) 那作雇工不是牧人的,羊也不是自己的,他一见狼来,就把羊撇下逃跑,狼就抓住羊群,把他们驱散了;因为他是个雇工,对羊群漠不关心。(约翰福音10:12-13)
A shepherd who is in it for his own personal gain will run at the first sign of trouble. A shepherd cannot be someone asking: “What can I get out of this ministry?” “How do I benefit from the status or prestige?” “How can I leverage this for more money or power?” Instead a real shepherd, called by God and seeking to do God’s will asks: “How can I serve others?” “How can I benefit others faith?” “How can I use my authority to lay down my life and serve?” 一个牧者如果只是为了自己赚钱,那只要看到麻烦一露头就会赶紧溜。一个牧者不可能问:“我做这个事工能赚到什么?”“从这个地位或声望中我能得什么好处?”“我如何利用这个来赢得更多的金钱或权力?”相反,一个蒙神呼召寻求神的心意的真正牧者会问:“我如何服事他人?”“我如何对他人的信仰有益?”“我如何能用我的权柄来舍命服事?”
A shepherd runs towards danger and loves the sheep at great cost to himself – following in the footsteps of Jesus, even when it is hard or unpopular. Someone in it for shameful gain will always have a hesitation, an insidious calculation to not do what is right and true in hard things, but instead to do what is politically savvy to maintain status, money, and influence. 一个牧者会冲向危险,付上自己巨大的代价来爱羊群——跟随耶稣的脚踪,哪怕路很难走,也不受待见。贪财之人总是会首鼠两端,阴险地算计着在艰难面前不要做正确与真实的事,却要耍政治手腕来维护自己的地位、金钱和影响力。
3. Not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock. 3.也不是要辖制讬付你们的羊群,而是作他们的榜样。
We’ve seen too many examples of power-hungry shepherds in the news who want to build their own kingdoms, brands, and are willing to run others over to get there. We cannot be shepherds who acts as if they are king instead of Jesus as king. We cannot be shepherds who demand that others bow to them. We can’t be shepherds who will get their way at any cost. 我们曾在新闻里看到过太多贪图权势的牧者,他们想要建造自己的王国,自己的品牌,不惜牺牲别人达到自己的目的。我们不能做那种自己好像是君王而不把耶稣当作君王的牧者。我们不能做那种要求别人向他屈膝的牧者。我们不能做那种不惜一切代价谋求私利的牧者。
Instead we need shepherds that are examples of godliness and repentance. We need shepherds who model the mind of Christ and want to serve others not use others. And shepherds who are lead-repenters when they sin against the flock. Shepherds who count others as more significant than themselves and follow Jesus on the path of the cross. 相反,我们需要的牧者是敬虔与悔改的榜样。我们需要的牧者是以基督之心为心,并愿意服事他人,而不是利用他人的人。牧者也应该是当他们对羊群犯了罪就带头忏悔的人。牧者是看别人比自己重要,跟随耶稣走十字架的路。
We are called to shepherd the flock of God among us, exercising oversight, and doing it in a way that points to the Chief Shepherd who laid down his life for the sheep in all humility and holiness. We see the flock and the flock sees us. 我们蒙召牧养在我们中间的神的羊群,照看监督他们,方法就是指向那大牧长,祂谦卑而圣洁地为羊群舍命。我们看着羊群,羊群也看着我们。
The Consummation of Shepherding 牧养的最终目标
So, let me remind you of the main point of this passage from the beginning. 所以,让我来提醒你们这段经文的要点。
Elders are meant to shepherd the flock of God among them through afflictions and trials of this life as they march toward final glory in the presence of Jesus together. 长老就是要牧养在他们中间的神的羊群,在此生中共渡患难与试炼,一同走到耶稣面前的荣耀里。
So, in a nutshell, the goal of all of this intentional, sacrificial, and joyful shepherding is that we make it to glory together. God means for his undershepherds to help his blood-bought family navigate this world of suffering, sin, and Satanic schemes by pointing them to the finished work of Jesus and the sure hope of resurrection and return. There is a great reward for shepherds and for the flock that God aims to motivate us. 简言之,这种细致、牺牲、喜乐的牧养,目的就在于我们一起得荣耀。神定意要祂的牧者们帮助祂宝血赎来的家庭,渡过此世的苦难、罪和撒但的诡计,祂要向他们指出耶稣所完成的工作,以及复活和回归的确实盼望。有极大的奖赏等着牧者和羊群,那是神用来激励我们的。
And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. 到了牧长显现的时候,你们必定得着那永不衰残的荣耀冠冕。
The seriousness of the task and the greatness of the reward helps shepherds persevere. The text Jason preached last week – that we will give an account for souls – is the text that keeps me up at night in my shepherding. And this text is the one that gets me up in the morning with great hope to keep going. 任务之严肃与奖赏之浩大帮助我们坚忍到底。杰森上周讲的经文——我们将要为灵魂交账——让我在牧养中夜不能寐。而今天这段经文让我早晨早早起床,带着极大的盼望走下去。
When the Chief Shepherd returns, if we have sought to shepherd the flock among us, exercising oversight, in the way that points to the self-giving love of our Chief Shepherd, he will give us as unfading crown of glory. So, what is this crown? 当大牧长回来时,如果我们已经寻求牧养在我们中间的羊群,照顾监督他们,通过指出我们大牧长自我奉献的爱,祂会赐给我们永不衰残的荣耀冠冕。那么这冠冕是什么?
Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved. (Philippians 4:1) 我所想念亲爱的弟兄们,你们就是我的喜乐、我的冠冕。所以,亲爱的,你们应当靠着主站立得稳。(腓立比书4:1)
For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? (1 Thessalonians 2:19) 我们主耶稣再来的时候,我们在他面前的盼望、喜乐或所夸耀的冠冕是甚么呢? 不就是你们吗?(帖撒罗尼迦前书2:19)
Do you see it? You are the crown of the shepherds here! It’s the people. God sent his son – the Chief Shepherd of his blood-bought flock – to die for the sins of all who trust in him. Then he gave undershepherds to lay down their lives to help his blood-bought flock cling to Jesus as they navigate the sin, suffering, and schemes of Satan in this life. 你们看到了吗?你们就是这些牧者的冠冕!就是人民。神差祂的儿子——祂用宝血赎来的羊群的大牧长——为一切信祂的人的罪而死。然后祂赐下牧者来舍命帮助祂宝血赎来的羊群,让他们在渡过此生罪、苦难和撒但诡计的航行中紧紧依靠耶稣。
And when he appears, crown – our joy – will be as we look around and see that by God’s grace we all made it to glory together. It will be an unfading crown as we spend eternity together in the presence of the Chief Shepherd – the Lamb that was slain! We will look around at wonder at each other the Lord kept us. 当祂显现的时候,冠冕——我们的喜乐——当我们环顾四周看到凭着神的恩典我们都一起达到了荣耀的彼岸。那将是永不衰残的冠冕,我们在大牧长面前一起共度永生,祂是那被杀的羔羊。我们将互相欣赏主保守我们每一个人的奇妙作为。
So, the role of shepherds in this life is to help you wait well for the appearing of Jesus. To help you keep your eyes above the seas and hope in him as the waves come. To help us be a blood-bought family ready to meet Jesus. Let me finish with 1 Peter 5:8-10 as we see the consummation of shepherding together being a church ready and eagerly awaiting our eternal glory with Jesus. 那么,牧者的角色就是在今生帮助你们好好地等待耶稣。就是帮助你们在波浪袭来时,不看那海水,而是盼望耶稣。就是帮助我们作为宝血赎来的家庭预备好觐见耶稣。让我用彼得前书5:8-10来结束,牧养的最终目标就是我们在一起作为教会预备好,热切地等候我们与耶稣同在的永恒荣耀。
Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. To him be the dominion forever and ever. Amen. 你们要谨守、警醒。你们的仇敌魔鬼,好像吼叫的狮子走来走去,寻找可以吞吃的人;你们要用坚强的信心抵挡他,因为知道你们在世上的弟兄,也经历过同样的苦难。但满有恩典的 神,就是在基督里召你们进入他永远荣耀的那一位,在你们受了短暂的苦难之后,必定亲自成全你们,坚固你们,赐力量给你们,建立你们。愿权能归给他,直到永远。阿们。(彼得前书5:8-11)
Bethlehem, your shepherds love you. We are not perfect. But, we long to shepherd well because you are our crown and joy and we want to be a church ready for the appearing of our Savior as we wait for him. 伯利恒,你们的牧者们爱你们。我们不是完美的。但是,我们渴望好好地牧养,因为你们是我们的冠冕和喜乐,我们想要成为一个准备好我们救主再来的教会。



      本文标题:2020-02-16 20/20异象系列之三:牧养在你们中间的神
