A brief summary about Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Planning by Hoffman
In this article the author answers three questions:
What is it good for?
How can we earn money with planning?
Planning is a cost-effective method for software engineering.
- For example, at Xerox a planning architecture is successfully being employed to flexibly control highly configurable printing systems.
- Alexander Koller who has been using planning for natural language sentence generation.
- Core Security Technologies, http://www.coresecurity.com/ – now employs a variant of my Metric-FF planner in their product, serving to intelligently select possible attacks in regular security checks against a client network.
Does it work?
heuristic search approachs
Is it interesting to do research in?
- There is wide open space of promising algorithmic possibilities.
- Automatic extraction of domain models from various kinds of data.
- Planning is a quick hack to get things up and running.
- Our technology has great potential as a method for rapid prototyping.
- People simply don’t know that, perhaps, they could just describe their problem to a planner and be done.