Poker and Decision-making

Poker and Decision-making

作者: 南北1 | 来源:发表于2018-10-07 22:29 被阅读0次

Better and Better                                                                                              Day 44

      From today, we will learn the thinking in bets. Most people don’t have much chance to make decisions. Most of your life follows the established path, and you don’t stop every now and then to think about what you should do next. Therefore, there is a general lack of special training for decision-making. Poker is essentially a decision-making exercise. In poker game, the cards on the table are not comprehensive, you have to guess what the opponent has in hand, which has a lot of uncertainty. The human brain is very poor at handing uncertain information. For this reason, a good player must be able to distinguish these things: luck and skill, signal and noise, the level of decision-making and the result of decision-making.               


                                                                                                            Oct.7th ,2018                                                                                                                    Bazhou.




      本文标题:Poker and Decision-making
