On Writing Well CH10 2/2

On Writing Well CH10 2/2

作者: 夕夜Silence | 来源:发表于2017-11-07 18:50 被阅读0次

    I. Words and express

    1. A thonier problem is raised by the feminists' annoyance with words that contain "man".

    thorny: bristling with perplexities.  (synonymous: hard, difficult)

    2. Writing is like a good watch——it should run smoothly and have no extra parts.


    3.I like to replace a humdrum word with one that has more precision or color. I like to rephrase a drab sentence to give it a more pleasing rhythm or a more graceful musical line.

    humdrum: not challenging; dull and lacking excitement.

    drab: lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise.


    4.The reader plays a major role in the act of writing and must be given room to play it.

    前半句"play a major role"看起来平淡无奇,而后半句的"give room to play it"立刻让这句话变得生动起来,形象地说明了作者无须过度解释,要留给读者理解的空间。

    5. If you follow your affections you will write well and will engage your readers.

    engage: engage or engross wholly.

    II. Summary

    On Writing Well CH10 2/2



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