A delivery man, 54, has written more than 4000 poems in the past five years. Last month, he had a collection of his poems published.The book s entitled "A Man on a Hurry". All the poems were based on his feelings and experiences while on a rush to deliver a meal or other sorts of posts.
Prior to being a delivery man, he had worked on differrent jobs in various cities, as far as in Northwest China's Xinjiang, one year short of from a junior high school.
He quit school when he was in the still in Grade Two in a junior high school. Thereafter he worked on construction sites, picked and sold garbage, worked as a street vendor, and drove a tilting cart before working as a delivery man getting delivery assignments from APPs such as Eleme, a major meal ordering website.
He starts his day by opening the gate of his grocery store at 5.30am, and then hops onto an electric scooter at 10.30 am to be a delivery man. He returns to his home at 2 pm for lunch, and then leaves for more delivery work at 4 pm and returns home at 11 pm, calling it a day.
As a delivery man he has travelled 150,000 kiometres in distance, and written more than 4000 poems, some of which were written on cigarette packs or waste newspapers. He uploaded some of his poems to the Internet, and some poems garnered as many as over 20 million clicks.
As the economy was going rather soft, many people find their lives turning upside down, and having to do jobs that are not paying as generously as before and are regarded as lowly in the good old times. As Wang penned the poems based on what he saw, heard and felt while as a delivery person, it is not surprising that his poems have often caught on a ready pulse and heart.