【外刊精读】Day 15- France's next revo

【外刊精读】Day 15- France's next revo

作者: 林小笨sea | 来源:发表于2017-04-24 20:26 被阅读0次

1. have consequences far beyond its borders


2. stagnate


- to stop developing or making progress停滞,不发展,不进步

e.g. I feel I'm stagnating in this job.

- to be or become stagnant 因不流动而变得污浊

e.g. The water in the pond was stagnating.

noun: stagnation

3. hallmark


- a feature or quality that is typical of somebody/something 特征,特点

e.g. Police said the explosion bore all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack. 拥有所有特征

- a mark put on gold, silver and platinum objects that shows the quality of the metal and gives information about when and where the object was made 金银纯度印记


- to put a hallmark on metal goods 打金银纯度印记

4. upheaval


- a big change that causes a lot of confusion, worry and problems. = disruption 激变,巨变,动荡

e.g. I can't face the upheaval of moving house again.

a period of emotional upheaval.

5. insurgent


- a person fighting against the government or armed forces of their own country 起义者,叛乱者,造反者

= rebel

e.g. an attack by armed insurgents


- fighting against the government or armed forces of their own country 叛乱的

= rebellious

e.g. insurgent groups/attacks

6. upstart



start up : 开始,发动

7. reverberate


- (of a sound)to be repeated several times as it is reflected off different surfaces 回响,回荡

= echo

e.g. Her voice reverberated around the hall.

- (of a place)to seem to shake because of a loud noise 震颤,摇晃

e.g. The hall reverberated with the sound of music and dancing.

- to have a strong effect on people for a long time or over a large area 产生深远影响

e.g. Repercussions of the case continue to reverberate through the financial world.

8. allege


- to state something as a fact but without giving proof 断言,声称

e.g. It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners.


9. grumble


- to complain about somebody/something in a bad-tempered way 咕哝,发牢骚

e.g. She's always grumbling to me about how badly she's treated at work.

- to make a deep continuous sound 咕隆,发轰隆声

e.g. Thunder grumbled in the distance.

10. sluggish


- moving, reacting or working more slowly than normal and in a way that seems lazy 行动迟缓的,缓慢的,懒洋洋的

e.g. The growth of the export market has helped to compensate for sluggish demand at home. 疲软的国内需求

11. sap the country's vitality 




- the liquid in a plant or tree that carries food to all its parts 汁液

e.g. Maple syrup is made from sap extracted from the sugar maple tree.

- a stupid person that you can easily trick, or treat unfairly 笨蛋,易上当的人

e.g. The poor sap never knew what was going on behind his back.


- to make something/somebody weaker; to destroy something gradually 使虚弱,削弱,逐渐破坏

e.g. Years of failure have sapped him of his confidence.

12. malaise


- the problems affecting a particular situation or group of people that are difficult to explain or identify 难以捉摸的问题

e.g. The latest crime figures are merely symptomatic of a wider malaise in society.

- a general feeling of being ill/sick, unhappy or not satisfied, without signs of any particular problem 莫名的不适

= unease

e.g. a serious malaise among the staff

13. rift


- a serious disagreement between people that stops their relationship from continuing 分歧,严重不和

= division, breach

e.g. The rift within the party deepened.

- a large crack or opening in the ground, rocks or clouds 裂口,裂缝

e.g. Through a rift in the clouds we could see a beautiful blue sky.

14. throw the bums out




- the part of the body that you sit on 屁股 backside

- a person who has no home or job and who asks other people for money or food 无业游民,流浪乞丐

e.g. a beach bum

- a lazy person who does nothing for other people or for society 懒汉,游手好闲者

e.g. He's nothing but a no-good bum!


- to get something from somebody by asking 乞讨

= cadge

e.g. Can I bum a cigarette off you?

- to make somebody feel upset or disappointed 使不安,使灰心


- of bad quality; wrong or useless 劣质的,没用的

e.g. He didn't play one bum note.

15. tap into


16. perilous


- very dangerous非常危险

= hazardous

e.g. a perilous adventure/journey

17. obstruct foreign trade


- to block a road, an entrance, a passage, etc. so that somebody/something cannot get through, see past, etc. 阻塞,阻挡

e.g. You can't park here, you're obstructing my driveway.

- to prevent somebody/something from doing something or making progress, especially when this is done deliberately 妨碍,阻挠

= hinder

e.g. They were charged with obstructing the police in the course of their duty.

18. enact agendas


- to pass a law通过法律

e.g. legislation enacted by parliament

- to perform a play or act a part in a play 扮演,演出

e.g. scenes from history enacted by local residents

- to take place 发生,举行

- to put something into practice 实施

e.g.This involves identifying problems and enacting solutions.

19. repudiation


- refusal to accept something 拒绝,否定

e.g. the world-wide repudiation of slavery in the nineteenth century

- the act of saying officially and/or publicly that something is not true 官方驳斥,驳回

e.g. the repudiation of a claim


20. clinch the presidency


- to succeed in achieving or winning something 成功取得,赢得

e.g. They clinched a place in the semi-finals.

- to provide the answer to something; to settle something that was not certain 提出解决办法

e.g. ‘I'll pay your airfare.’ ‘Okay,that clinches it—I'll come with you.’



      本文标题:【外刊精读】Day 15- France's next revo
