泰戈尔诗选—纸船 英文版

泰戈尔诗选—纸船 英文版

作者: 学坝 | 来源:发表于2023-04-11 22:10 被阅读0次

Paper Boats

Day by day I float my paper boats one into the sky and see the little clouds

by one down the running stream. setting their white bulging sails

In big black letters I write my name on I know not what playmate of mine in

them and the name of the village where the sky sends them down the air to race

I live. with my boats!

I hope that someone in some strange When night comes I bury my face in

land will find them and know who I am my arms and dream that my paper boats

I load my little boats with shiuli flowers float on and on under the midnight

from our garden, and hope that these stars.

blooms of the dawn will be carried The fairies of sleep are sailing in them

safely to land in the night. and the lading is their baskets full of

I launch my paper boats and look up dreams.

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    本文标题:泰戈尔诗选—纸船 英文版
