「雅思听力-咨询申请」剑雅13 Test 4-Section 1

「雅思听力-咨询申请」剑雅13 Test 4-Section 1

作者: 橙弗弗 | 来源:发表于2023-02-19 06:41 被阅读0次



    第1题:没有整体把握意思,并且对时态不敏感。原文中的initial替换题干中的at first。本题需要考生注意时态,题干中的at first和did意指过去,而原文中的customer services表达现在,为干扰信息。

    题干:At first, Alex did his training in the 1department.

    MARTHA: The training you did at JPNW a few years ago. I'm applying for the same thing.听说几年前你在JPNW参加过培训。我现在也在申请这个。

    ALEX: Oh right. Yes, I did mine in 2014. Best thing I ever did. I'm still working there.对,是的。我在2014年参加了培训。那是我做过的最好的事情,并且我现在还在那里工作。

    MARTHA: Really? What are you doing?

    ALEX: Well, now I work in the customer services department but I did my initial training in Finance. I stayed there for the first two years and then moved to where I am now.刚开始的时候,我非常紧张。我在学校的考试中表现不佳。因为我的数学考试不及格,所以我真的很担心。但实际上那并不重要,因为我在工作上做了很多功课。

    第2题:school原文重现,用来定位。原文中的I failed Maths (我数学挂科了)对应题干中的didn't have a qualification,故Maths为答案。

    题干:Alex didn't have a qualification from school in 2

    MARTHA: That's the same department I'm applying for. Did you enjoy it?

    ALEX: I was pretty nervous to begin with. I didn't do well in my exams at school and I was really worried because I failed Maths. But it didn't actually matter because I did lots of courses on the job.刚开始的时候,我非常紧张。我在学校的考试中表现不佳。因为我的数学考试不及格,所以我真的很担心。但实际上那并不重要,因为我在工作上做了很多功课。


    MARTHA: Did you get a diploma at the end of your trainee period? I'm hoping to do the one in business skills.玛莎:你在实习期满时获得证书了吗?我希望参加商业方面的培训

    第5题:我题干没读懂什么意思,另外as everyone else=题干中的 permanent staff(permanentadj. 永久(性)的, 固定的。本题可通过training at JPNW, opportunities, size和organisation多个信息进行定位。the same number of对应题干中的the same amount of,答案词holiday拼写难度不大。

    题干:Trainees receive the same amount of 5 as permanent staff.受训人员获得与正式员工相同数量的 ??

    MARTHA: I've heard lots of good things about the training at JPNW. It seems like there are a lot of opportunities there.我听说了很多关于JPNW培训的好消息。似乎那里会有很多机会。

    ALEX: Yeah, definitely. Because of its size you can work in loads of different areas within the organisation.当然是的。由于它的规模(很大),你可以在公司内部不同区域工作。

    MARTHA: What about pay? I know you get a lower minimum wage than regular employees.薪水怎么样?我知道你的最低薪水比正式员工要低。

    ALEX: That's right - which isn't great. But you get the same number of days' holiday as everyone else. And the pay goes up massively if they offer you a job at the end of the training period.的确--这一点不是很好。但是,你能获得与其他人一样的假期天数。如果他们在培训期结束时为你提供工作,那么工资就会大幅增加。

    第7题:advantage=题干中的convenient 。用company定位,原文the location's a real advantage (地理位置是一个很大的优势)与题干对应,答案为location。

    题干:The company is in a convenient 7

    ALEX: Yes, one day each month. So you get lots of support from both your tutor and your manager.亚历克斯:是的,每个月一天。所以你能得到来自导师和经理双方面的支持。

    MARTHA: That's good. And the company is easy to get to, isn't it?玛莎:很棒。公司(交通)方便吗?

    ALEX: Yes, it's very close to the train station so the location's a real advantage.亚历克斯:是的,它离火车站很近,所以这个位置真的很有优势。

    第8题:too casual没听懂什么意思,导致这题不会填。用interview和wear定位,根据题干判断空格所填信息为名词。原文nothing too casual - like jeans中jeans为名词,符合题目要求。考生容易误填casual,但casual为形容词,不符合题目要求。

    MARTHA: I am not sure what I should wear. What do you think?

    ALEX: Nothing too casual - like jeans, for example. If you've got a nice jacket, wear that with a skirt or trousers.不要过于随意--例如牛仔裤。如果你有一件好看的夹克,搭配裙子或裤子就很不错。



        本文标题:「雅思听力-咨询申请」剑雅13 Test 4-Section 1
