The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F

作者: 晨夕_3901 | 来源:发表于2018-01-30 22:41 被阅读0次

    Guiding Questions:

    1.Have you thought about death or dying? How did you feel when you were thinking about them?

    Yes.Thinking about death or dying makes me totally scared. But I know there is no eternal life. Everyone will die one day,and I have to accept the reality. What I should do is to seize the day.

    2. How knowing "then you die" would affect the way we live? What is the sunny side of death?

    Knowing "then you die" we give a fuck about something more important in our life.

    The sunny side of death is untangling our addictions, identifying and confronting our own entitlement, accepting responsibility for our own problems—suffering through our fears and uncertainties, accepting our failures and embracing rejections—it has all been made lighter by the thought of our own death. The more we peer into the darkness, the brighter life gets, the quieter the world becomes, and the less unconscious resistance we feel to, well, anything.

    3. Did you have a transformational moment growing up? Something you would consider a wake-up call?

    Yes. My mom suffered from cerebral infaction after I passed the College Entrance Examination. Fortunately, she survived and recovered gradually. I realized,facing disease or even death, what we can do is extremely limited. So living in the moment and taking every day as the last day of my life will make me more active. Certainly, in our spare time, we should often greet our parents and live life to its fullest each day.

    Words and expressions

    1. The wails and the screams and the snot.

    wails: a cry of sorrow and grief.

    造句: Women in that town wailed for their dead.

    2. when I came to the startling realization that if there really is no reason to do anything, then there is also no reason to notdo anything.

    startling: Something that is so different, unexpected, or remarkable that people react to it with surprise.

    造句: Sometimes the results may be rather startling.

    3. When Becker sided with the students and publicly condemned the actions of the dean (again, his boss being Hitleresque and everything), he was, once again, promptly fired.

    side with: support, encourage

    造句: I side with the opinion that everyone is equal.

    4. He spent the next few years bedridden and had little hope of surviving.

    bedridden: unable to leave the bed, especially because of old or illness.

    造句: He had to spend two months bedridden with an injury.


    I tell my mind to shut up, and keep inching forward. The more I peer into the darkness, the brighter life gets, the quieter the world becomes, and the less unconscious resistance I feel to, well, anything. You are already great because in the face of endless confusion and certain death, you continue to choose what to give a fuck about and what not to. Confronting the reality of our own mortality is important because it obliterates all the crappy, fragile, superficial values in life.





          本文标题:The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F
