2017-09-23 爱与知识相随

2017-09-23 爱与知识相随

作者: 循伊英译组 | 来源:发表于2017-09-23 09:37 被阅读0次

2017-09-23 爱与知识相随


                        A Precious Gem:

            Knowledge is Followed by Love 


Love is followed by pleasure. It is either strong or weak according to the degree of love. Whenever the desire for the cherished one is strong, there is perfect pleasure. Love and yearning follow knowing Allah and appreciating His greatness. Whenever our knowledge of Allah is perfect, we will love Him more perfectly. Therefore, the perfection of blessing and pleasure in the Hereafter can be traced back to knowledge and love.


Whoever believes in Allah, His Names and Attributes, and knows them well, would love Him a great deal, and his feeling of pleasure, his being close to Him, looking at His Face and hearing His words would be complete when meeting Him on the Day of Judgement. Every pleasure, blessing, joy and delight would be like a drop of water compared to the sea. So how is it that an intelligent person can prefer weak and shortlived pleasure that is mixed with pain, to great , complete and eternal pleasure? The perfection of man is based on these two abilities : Knowledge and love. And the best knowledge is the knowledge of Allah , and the highest love is the love for His Sake. Surely, it is Allah’s help that should be sought.





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      本文标题:2017-09-23 爱与知识相随
