1. 单例模式
// 单例模式
var mySingleton = (function(){
var instance;
init = function() {
var privateVar = "privateVar";
privateFunc = function() {
console.log("This is private func");
return {
publicVar: 'public var', // 公共变量
publicFunc: function() { // 公共方法
console.log('This is public func');
getPrivateVar: function() {
return privateVar;
return {
getInstance: function() {
if (!instance) {
instance = init();
return instance;
var singleton1 = mySingleton.getInstance();
var singleton2 = mySingleton.getInstance();
console.log(singleton1 === singleton2);
2. 观察者模式
- 被观察者:维护一组被观察接口,用于添加、删除观察者,通知观察者
- 观察者:维护一组观察者接口,用于在被观察者状态发生变化时,通知到观察者
- 具体的被观察者:实现被观察者接口
- 具体的观察者:实现观察者接口
// 观察者模式:建立观察者/被观察者关系,观察者可以注册其观察对象(被观察者),当被观察者的状态发生改变时,可以及时通知到观察者
// 被观察者管理观察者能力建模
function ObserverList() {
this.observerList = [];
// 添加观察者
ObserverList.prototype.Add = function(observer) {
// 清空观察者
ObserverList.prototype.Empty = function() {
this.observerList = [];
// 观察者数量
ObserverList.prototype.Count = function() {
return this.observerList.length;
// 获取某个观察者
ObserverList.prototype.Get = function(index) {
if (index >= 0 && index < this.observerList.length) {
return this.observerList[index];
return undefined;
// 删除某个观察者
ObserverList.prototype.RemoveAt = function( index ){
if( index === 0 ){
}else if( index === this.observerList.length -1 ){
// var testObserverList = new ObserverList();
// for(var key in testObserverList) {
// console.log('key:' + key + '->' + testObserverList[key]);
// }
// 给某个对象扩展被观察者能力
function extend(extension, target) {
for(var key in extension) {
target[key] = extension[key];
// 创建被观察者对象Subject,同时集成观察者对象的能力
function Subject() {
this.observerList = new ObserverList();
Subject.prototype.AddObserver = function(observer) {
Subject.prototype.RemoveObserver = function( observer ){
this.observers.RemoveAt( this.observers.IndexOf( observer, 0 ) );
// 通知所有观察者
Subject.prototype.Notify = function(context) {
var count = this.observerList.Count();
for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// 构建观察者对象,主要是定义观察后的处理函数
function Observer() {
this.Update = function() {
//do something
- 一个按钮,这个按钮用于增加新的充当观察者的选择框到页面上
- 一个控制器的选择框,充当一个被观察者,通知其他选择框是否应该被选中
- 一个容器,用于放置新的选择框
<button id="addNewObserver">Add New Observer checkbox</button>
<input id="mainCheckbox" type="checkbox"/>
<div id="observersContainer"></div>
<script src="./observer.js"></script> <!-- 引入上文中的js代码 -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var controlCheckbox = document.getElementById('mainCheckbox');
var addBtn = document.getElementById('addNewObserver');
var container = document.getElementById('observersContainer');
// 给controlCheckbox扩展被观察者能力
extend(new Subject(), controlCheckbox);
controlCheckbox.addEventListener('click', function() {
// 添加观察者
addBtn.addEventListener('click', AddNewObserver);
function AddNewObserver() {
// 创建一个checkbox
var check = document.createElement('input');
check.type = 'checkbox';
check.checked = controlCheckbox.checked;
// 扩展观察者能力
extend(new Observer(), check);
check.Update = function(checked) {
this.checked = checked;
// 添加到容器区域
3 订阅模式
// 订阅者对象
function Subscriber() {
this.subscriberEventList = [];
Subscriber.prototype.addSubscribe = function(subscribe) {
// 订阅事件对象
function Subscribe(name, callback) {
this.name = name;
this.callback = callback;
// 发布事件对象
function Publish(name, context) {
this.name = name;
this.context = context;
function SubscribeCenter() {
this.subscriberList = [];
SubscribeCenter.prototype.addSubscriber = function(subscriber) {
SubscribeCenter.prototype.publish = function(publisher) {
var name = publisher.name;
var context = publisher.context;
for(var i = 0; i < this.subscriberList.length; i++) {
for(var j = 0; j < this.subscriberList[i].subscriberEventList.length; j++) {
var subscribeevent = this.subscriberList[i].subscriberEventList[j];
if(subscribeevent.name === name) {
subscribeevent.callback.call(this.subscriberList[i], name, context);
function extend(extend, obj) {
for(var key in extend) {
obj[key] = extend[key];
4. 工厂模式
// 工厂模式
// A constructor for defining new cars
function Car( options ) {
// some defaults
this.doors = options.doors || 4;
this.state = options.state || "brand new";
this.color = options.color || "silver";
// A constructor for defining new trucks
function Truck( options){
this.state = options.state || "used";
this.wheelSize = options.wheelSize || "large";
this.color = options.color || "blue";
// FactoryExample.js
// Define a skeleton vehicle factory
function VehicleFactory() {}
// Define the prototypes and utilities for this factory
// Our default vehicleClass is Car
VehicleFactory.prototype.vehicleClass = Car;
// Our Factory method for creating new Vehicle instances
VehicleFactory.prototype.createVehicle = function ( options ) {
if( options.vehicleType === "car" ){
this.vehicleClass = Car;
this.vehicleClass = Truck;
return new this.vehicleClass( options );
// Create an instance of our factory that makes cars
var carFactory = new VehicleFactory();
var car = carFactory.createVehicle( {
vehicleType: "car",
color: "yellow",
doors: 6 } );
// Test to confirm our car was created using the vehicleClass/prototype Car
// Outputs: true
console.log( car instanceof Car );
// Outputs: Car object of color "yellow", doors: 6 in a "brand new" state
console.log( car );
// 抽象工厂
var AbstractVehicleFactory = (function () {
// Storage for our vehicle types
var types = {};
return {
getVehicle: function ( type, customizations ) {
var Vehicle = types[type];
return (Vehicle ? new Vehicle(customizations) : null);
registerVehicle: function ( type, Vehicle ) {
var proto = Vehicle.prototype;
// only register classes that fulfill the vehicle contract
if ( proto.drive && proto.breakDown ) {
types[type] = Vehicle;
return AbstractVehicleFactory;
// Usage:
AbstractVehicleFactory.registerVehicle( "car", Car );
AbstractVehicleFactory.registerVehicle( "truck", Truck );
// Instantiate a new car based on the abstract vehicle type
var car = AbstractVehicleFactory.getVehicle( "car" , {
color: "lime green",
state: "like new" } );
// Instantiate a new truck in a similar manner
var truck = AbstractVehicleFactory.getVehicle( "truck" , {
wheelSize: "medium",
color: "neon yellow" } );
5. Mixin模式
// Define a simple Car constructor
var Car = function ( settings ) {
this.model = settings.model || "no model provided";
this.color = settings.color || "no colour provided";
// Mixin
var Mixin = function () {};
Mixin.prototype = {
driveForward: function () {
console.log( "drive forward" );
driveBackward: function () {
console.log( "drive backward" );
driveSideways: function () {
console.log( "drive sideways" );
// Extend an existing object with a method from another
function augment( receivingClass, givingClass ) {
// only provide certain methods
if ( arguments[2] ) {
for ( var i = 2, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++ ) {
receivingClass.prototype[arguments[i]] = givingClass.prototype[arguments[i]];
// provide all methods
else {
for ( var methodName in givingClass.prototype ) {
// check to make sure the receiving class doesn't
// have a method of the same name as the one currently
// being processed
if ( !Object.hasOwnProperty(receivingClass.prototype, methodName) ) {
receivingClass.prototype[methodName] = givingClass.prototype[methodName];
// Alternatively:
// if ( !receivingClass.prototype[methodName] ) {
// receivingClass.prototype[methodName] = givingClass.prototype[methodName];
// }
// Augment the Car constructor to include "driveForward" and "driveBackward"
augment( Car, Mixin, "driveForward", "driveBackward" );
// Create a new Car
var myCar = new Car({
model: "Ford Escort",
color: "blue"
// Test to make sure we now have access to the methods
// Outputs:
// drive forward
// drive backward
// We can also augment Car to include all functions from our mixin
// by not explicitly listing a selection of them
augment( Car, Mixin );
var mySportsCar = new Car({
model: "Porsche",
color: "red"
// Outputs:
// drive sideways
6. 装饰模式
- 需要扩展一个类的功能,或给一个类增加附加责任
- 动态地给一个对象增加功能,这些功能可以再动态撤销
- 需要增加一些基本功能的排列组合而产生的非常大量的功能,从而使继承变得 不现实
- 抽象构件:给出一个抽象接口,以规范准备接收附加责任的对象
- 具体构件:定义一个将要接收附加责任的类
- 装饰角色:持有一个构件对象的实例,并定一个与抽象构件一致的接口
- 具体装饰角色:负责给构件对象添加附加责任
// The constructor to decorate
function MacBook() {
this.cost = function () { return 997; };
this.screenSize = function () { return 11.6; };
// Decorator 1
function Memory( macbook ) {
var v = macbook.cost();
macbook.cost = function() {
return v + 75;
// Decorator 2
function Engraving( macbook ){
var v = macbook.cost();
macbook.cost = function(){
return v + 200;
// Decorator 3
function Insurance( macbook ){
var v = macbook.cost();
macbook.cost = function(){
return v + 250;
var mb = new MacBook();
Memory( mb );
Engraving( mb );
Insurance( mb );
// Outputs: 1522
console.log( mb.cost() );
// Outputs: 11.6
console.log( mb.screenSize() );