- 维铭父母正面管教1701期#20荐佼34/90&万科V-lear
- 维铭父母正面管教1701期#20荐佼30/90&万科V-lear
- 维铭父母正面管教1701期#20荐佼36/90&万科V-lear
- 维铭父母正面管教1701期#20荐佼41/90&万科V-lear
- 维铭父母正面管教1701期#20荐佼39/90&万科V-lear
- 维铭父母正面管教1701期#20荐佼35/90&万科V-lear
- 维铭父母正面管教1701期#20荐佼29/90&万科V-lear
- 维铭父母正面管教1701期#20荐佼27/90&万科V-lear
- 维铭父母正面管教1701期#20荐佼73/90&万科V-lear
- 维铭父母正面管教1701期#20荐佼62/90&万科V-lear
1. English
This afternoon we went to the Natural Museum, we discussed the reason of extinction of dianasour, Kevin thought the dianasour didn't extinct, they evolved to the bird. This is one of the hypotheses recorded in the museum.

We also saw the introduction of human, kevin was interested in the different phases of embryo.
He played the bone together to learn the main bones in our body.

Besides, we did an eyesight test, it was easy to operate, Kevin got 5.2 for both eyes.

Listening: peppa pig & curious George & 3a
Video: curious George & magic school bus
Reading: oxford reading tree level 6 & 7
2. PD实践