Black Puma Sighted 丹迪弄山区大型猫科动物奇遇

Black Puma Sighted 丹迪弄山区大型猫科动物奇遇

作者: 学习之 | 来源:发表于2019-04-22 19:28 被阅读0次

    Today 22nd of April 2019 at about 530pm at Olinda Valley (Dandenong National Park of Victoria, east edge of greater Melbourne) when I was hiking I spotted a black puma or small lion sort of creature. The site where I saw it is the walking track where starts from the public toilet at Chalet Road car park, the track goes down the hill and the first left hand uphill turn. the creature I saw was walking in the same direction and in front of me. so I saw its back, bottom and two ears. It was definitely not kangaroo, not deer, not a dog. At first sight I thought is it dog? a pony? It would be a very big dog or a small pony, I thought. but feature of the back, bottom,the tail and the way it walked is not like a dog. It's very dark brown or black colour. The way it walked and feature of its back, bottom, and tail very much looked like a small lion or a puma. I thought oh my God I am so lucky. so I tried to follow it and got closer to it. but it was too hard for me because it's uphill and I was too slow and it's too easy for it and it walked too fast. After I walked to Chalet road car park (it's not far from the car park). I went to a couple who were sitting on the grass slope in front of the car park and I talked to them. I said: I don't know who I should report to, I just saw a creature in the walking track, it's like a little pony, or a big dog, but it's not like a dog.,more like a big cat, big cat kind of animal. and I actually told them I wouldnot say it's a small lion or black puma kind of creature. people would think I am crazy. but it's really really like a puma, leopard, or small lion kind of creature." the lady of the couple said:”I understand people would think you are crazy. so you don't want to use the word puma, lion etc. actually, I heard people from this area talking about sighting mythical creature like black puma in @greaterdandy Dandenong Ranges. you can search the internet and you mightfind information about black puma or panther in Dandenong Ranges.”

    I did search the internet and I found the Herald Sun reported at least 3 times during 2016 -

    2018 about Victorian sighting "big black cat" in Yarra Ranges (Healsvile etc) of Victoria, Australia. @theheraldsun

    今天, 2019年4月22日,下午5点半左右,我在澳大利亚维多利亚州,大墨尔本地区东部的Dandenong 国家公园的Olinda 峡谷爬山,爬到快要回到停车场的山路上,向左侧拐一个弯,一边是回到Chalet 路停车场,中间的一个上坡的路上,这条路,如果从Chalet 路的停车场公共厕所为起点的下山路走,第一个左转弯的上坡路上,大约在距离我100米的地方,我看到一个动物在背对着我向前走,这个动物深棕色到黑色,比一只大狗要大。此时,天色都点暗,我心里想,谁家的大狗,但走路的样子,提醒,个头等等,实在不像狗,我又想,这是谁家的小马。我就想跟上去仔细看看,越看,越觉得体型,屁股,尾巴,走路的步态太像小狮子了。于是。我就加快步伐,尽力靠经它,看清楚一些,但可惜的是,因为它走的方向是上坡,对我来讲,要走快太难,对它来讲则非常轻松,我根本坐不上它,我不得已,只好不去追了。

    我就开始往停车的Chalet 路停车场走,到了停车场以后,我就到处找人,想说说我的奇遇。在停车场前面的斜坡大草坪上,我找到一对中年欧洲裔人男士和女士(不知道是否夫妻)。我告诉他们:”我不知道应该向谁报告,我看到一个很有意思的动物,就在前面的山路上,我把我看到动物的样子给他们描述了一遍,我说肯定不是袋鼠,不是鹿,很不像狗,或者像个小马,特别像大的猫科动物,其实我心里想的是特别像个小狮子,我说我特别不想说像个大型猫科动物,小狮子,或者豹子,因为,我看到了它的屁股,尾巴,两个耳朵,走路的样子,那走路的样子,特别像个小狮子, 但我不想说,因为别人会说我是个疯子,脑子有病,产生了幻象(澳大利亚没有野生大型猫科动物)。“

    这位女士说:“我感觉到了,你一直不想用大型猫科动物之类的词,你在回避这个词,你担心别人说你是疯子。其实,住在Dangenong 山区的人,有人说过的,在这些山区见到过像美洲豹(black puma, panther)一样的动物,一直有这样的传说,但是,大家都不信。我相信你说的,你可能是少数极其幸运的人,你可能见到了那神秘的动物。你如果有照片就更好了,你就会出名了。你去网上查查美洲豹等等,会查到一些东西。” 然后,大家就开始各种回到自己的车上去了。 




          本文标题:Black Puma Sighted 丹迪弄山区大型猫科动物奇遇
