每日英语 35

作者: 6c309803c4cb | 来源:发表于2019-04-28 21:59 被阅读19次

Slang of the Day

📚bull dyke
🇺🇸American and 🇦🇺Australian English Offensive

✍🏾Meaning: a lesbian (see note below) who is very manly in appearance and behaviour

❕For example:

🔺My sister is a bull dyke and she's in a gang of women who ride big motorbikes and wear leather jackets.

🔺We saw all sorts of interesting people in the Gay Mardi Gras parade, including drag queens, leather guys and bull dykes.

💢Note: "Dyke" is a slang word that means lesbian, or a woman who is sexually attracted to other women. Some lesbians regard "dyke" and "bull dyke" as offensive terms, while others use them proudly to describe themselves or their friends.

👁‍🗨Variety: This slang term is typically used in American and Australian English but may be used in other varieties of English too.





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