1. Market Organization and Structure
2.Classification of assets: security(fixed income/equity security, private/public); currency; contract; commodity; real assets; classification of markets: primary/secondary, money/capital, tranditonal/alternative, sold publicly/sold privately
3.Security Market Index: Price index/return index (price -weighted index, equal-weighted index, market capitalization-weighted index, fundamental weighting)
4.*Efficient Capital Market:有效市场假说: (1)weak form(past market data); (2)semi-strong form(past market data+public information); (3)strong form(past market data+public information+private information). market anomalies市场异相. behavioral finance, behavioral biases(loss aversion, overconfidence, herding羊群效应, information cascade信息价流)
5.Overivew of Equity Security: 概念很熟悉,不展开
6.Introduction to Industry and Company Analysis
7. Equity Valution: multiplier models, asset-based models, *discounted cash flow models折现方法(公式非常的重要) 分子尤其容易错