Dart 关键字

Dart 关键字

作者: 静守幸福 | 来源:发表于2022-02-09 22:42 被阅读0次


The following table lists the words that the Dart language treats specially.

| abstract 2 | else | import 2 | show 1 |
| as 2 | enum | in | static 2 |
| assert | export 2 | interface 2 | super |
| async 1 | extends | is | switch |
| await 3 | extension 2 | late 2 | sync 1 |
| break | external 2 | library 2 | this |
| case | factory 2 | mixin 2 | throw |
| catch | false | new | true |
| class | final | null | try |
| const | finally | on 1 | typedef 2 |
| continue | for | operator 2 | var |
| covariant 2 | Function 2 | part 2 | void |
| default | get 2 | required 2 | while |
| deferred 2 | hide 1 | rethrow | with |
| do | if | return | yield 3 |
| dynamic 2 | implements 2 | set 2 | |

Avoid using these words as identifiers. However, if necessary, the keywords marked with superscripts can be identifiers:

  • Words with the superscript 1 are contextual keywords, which have meaning only in specific places. They’re valid identifiers everywhere.

  • Words with the superscript 2 are built-in identifiers. These keywords are valid identifiers in most places, but they can’t be used as class or type names, or as import prefixes.

  • Words with the superscript 3 are limited reserved words related to asynchrony support. You can’t use await or yield as an identifier in any function body marked with async, async*, or sync*.

All other words in the table are reserved words, which can’t be identifiers.







但是在开发中, 通常情况下不使用dynamic, 因为类型的变量会带来潜在的危险

dynamic name = 'coderwhy';
print(name.runtimeType); // String
name = 18;
print(name.runtimeType); // int


final和const都是用于定义常量的, 也就是定义之后值都不可以修改

final name = 'coderwhy';
name = 'kobe'; // 错误做法

const age = 18;
age = 20; // 错误做法

const在赋值时, 赋值的内容必须是在编译期间就确定下来的
final在赋值时, 可以动态获取, 比如赋值一个函数

String getName() {
  return 'coderwhy';

main(List<String> args) {
  const name = getName(); // 错误的做法, 因为要执行函数才能获取到值
  final name = getName(); // 正确的做法

首先, const是不可以赋值为DateTime.now()
其次, final一旦被赋值后就有确定的结果, 不会再次赋值

// const time = DateTime.now(); // 错误的赋值方式
final time = DateTime.now();
print(time); // 2019-04-05 09:02:54.052626

sleep(Duration(seconds: 2));
print(time); // 2019-04-05 09:02:54.052626


class Person {
  const Person();

main(List<String> args) {
  final a = const Person();
  final b = const Person();
  print(identical(a, b)); // true

  final m = Person();
  final n = Person();
  print(identical(m, n)); // false



      本文标题:Dart 关键字
