test 1

作者: Xindolia_Ring | 来源:发表于2018-10-14 01:22 被阅读0次


    CREATE TABLE dept(
        deptno NUMBER NOT NULL primary key,
        dname VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL CHECK (dname = UPPER (DNAME)),
        loc = VARCHAR(9) NOT NULL
        empno NUMBER NOT NULL primary key,
        ename VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL CHECK (ename = UPPER (ename)),
        job VARCHAR(9),
        mgr NUMBER REFERENCES emp(empno),
        hiredate DATE,
        sal NUMBER(10, 2) CHECK(SAL > 500),
        comm NUMBER(9, 0) DEFAULT NULL,
        deptno NUMBER(2) NOT NULL REFERENCES (deptno)

    2 List all information about the departments

    SELECT *
    FROM dept;

    3 List only the following information from the EMP table ( Employee name, employee number, salary, department number)

    SELECT ename, empno, sal, deptno
    FROM emp; 

    2 List details of employees in departments 10 and 30.

    SELECT *
    FROM emp
    WHERE deptno BETWEEN 10 AND 30;

    3 List all the jobs in the EMP table eliminating duplicates.

    FROM emp;
    1. What are the names of the employees who earn less than £20,000?
    SELECT ename
    FROM emp
    WHERE sal < 20000;
    1. What is the name, job title and employee number of the person in department 20 who earns more than £25000?
    SELECT ename, job, empno
    FROM emp
    WHERE deptno = 20 AND sal > 25000;
    1. Find all employees whose job is either Clerk or Salesman.
    SELECT ename
    FROM emp
    WHERE job = 'CLERK' OR job = 'SALESMAN';
    1. Find any Clerk who is not in department 10.
    SELECT *
    FROM emp
    WHERE job = 'CLERK' AND deptno != 10;
    1. Find everyone whose job is Salesman and all the Analysts in department 20.
    SELECT *
    FROM emp
    WHERE job = 'SALESMAN' OR (job = 'ANALYST' AND deptno = 20);
    1. Find all the employees who earn between £15,000 and £20,000.
    Show the employee name, department and salary.
    SELECT ename, deptno, sal
    FROM emp
    WHERE sal between 15000 and 20000;

    12 Find the name of the President.

    SELECT ename
    FROM emp
    WHERE mgr is NULL;

    13 Find all the employees whose last names end with S

    SELECT ename
    FROM emp
    WHERE ename LIKE '%S';

    14 List the employees whose names have TH or LL in them

    SELECT ename
    FROM emp
    WHERE ename LIKE '%TH%' OR ename LIKE '%LL%';

    15 List only those employees who receive commission.

    SELECT ename
    FROM emp
    WHERE COMM != 0;

    16 Find the name, job, salary, hiredate, and department number of all employees by alphabetical order of name.

    SELECT ename, job, sal, hiredate, deptno
    FROM emp
    order by ename;
    1. Find the name, job, salary, hiredate and department number of all employees in ascending order by their salaries.
    SELECT ename, job, sal, hiredate, deptno
    FROM emp
    order by sal;
    1. List all salesmen in descending order by commission divided by their salary.
    SELECT ename
    FROM emp
    order by comm/sal desc
    1. Order employees in department 30 who receive commision, in ascending order by commission
    SELECT *
    FROM emp
    WHERE deptno = 30
    order by comm;

    20 Find the names, jobs, salaries and commissions of all employees who do not have managers.

    SELECT ename, job, sal, comm
    FROM emp
    WHERE mgr is NULL;

    21 Find all the salesmen in department 30 who have a salary greater than or equal to £18000.

    SELECT ename
    FROM emp
    WHERE job = 'SALESMAN' AND deptno = 30 AND sal >= 18000;


    8 Compute the daily and hourly salary for employees in department 30, round to the nearest penny. Assume there are 22 working days in a month and 8 working hours in a day.

    SELECT ename, empno, round(sal/22, 2), round(sal/(22*8), 2)
    FROM emp
    WHERE deptno = 30;


    3 Which employees were hired in May?

    SELECT *
    FROM emp
    where hiredate like '%5月%';


    4 List the average annual salary for all job groups having more than 2 employees in the group.

    SELECT AVG(sal * 12)
    FROM emp
    GROUP BY job
    HAVING (COUNT(job) >= 2);
    SELECT deptno
    FROM emp;

    5 Find all departments with an average commission greater than 25% of average salary.

    SELECT deptno
    FROM emp
    GROUP BY deptno
    HAVING AVG(sal) > (SELECT avg(sal) FROM emp);

    6 Find each department's average annual salary for all its employees except the managers and the president.

    SELECT AVG(sal * 12), deptno
    FROM emp
    where job != 'MANAGER' AND job != 'PRESIDENT'
    GROUP BY deptno;



          本文标题:test 1
