Plasmablast 是 Plasma cell的前体细胞吗?

Plasmablast 是 Plasma cell的前体细胞吗?

作者: 周运来就是我 | 来源:发表于2020-07-29 00:04 被阅读0次


  • Memory B cells
    Antigen-experienced B cells that express high-affinity antibodies and quickly differentiate into plasma cells in antigen-recall responses.

  • Plasma cells
    Non-dividing, terminally differentiated, antibody-secreting cells of the B-cell lineage.

  • Antibody-secreting cells
    A term that denotes both proliferating plasmablasts and non-proliferating plasma cells. The term is used when both cell types might be present.

  • Plasmablast
    The B-cell lineage precursor of non-dividing plasma cells, which has the capacity to divide and that has migratory potential.

  • Follicular dendritic cell
    Specialized non-haematopoietic stromal cells that reside in the lymphoid follicles and germinal centres. These cells possess long dendrites and carry intact antigen on their surface. They are crucial for the optimal selection of B cells that produce antigen-binding antibody.

  • Centroblast
    A proliferating germinal-centre B cell of which the rearranged variable-region immunoglobulin genes are undergoing somatic hypermutation.

  • Centrocyte
    The progeny of a centroblast. These cells undergo immunoglobulin class switching and are selected on the basis of the improved affinity of their immunoglobulin for antigen following interaction with immune complexes that are associated with follicular dendritic cells, and on their ability to elicit help from follicular B helper T (TFH) cells.





      本文标题:Plasmablast 是 Plasma cell的前体细胞吗?
