每周一段 | 广告的影响02

每周一段 | 广告的影响02

作者: Sira桉树 | 来源:发表于2018-10-16 21:08 被阅读0次
选自《新概念英语》第 3 册第 26 课 Wanted: a large biscuit tin(《征购大饼干筒》)。


No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us. In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product, advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses.




这是文章的第一段,一共只有 3 句话,但每句话中都有一个常见、地道、好用的句式,可以用在口语和写作中,值得反复临摹,直至可以脱口而出或自然下笔。

段落的结构比较简单,就是写人们易受到某一种影响。第 1 句总写人们易受广告的影响;第 2 句写人们是如何受到广告影响的;第 3 句写广告是怎样施加影响的。当我们想写某个人群受到某种影响时,就可以参考这段话的写作结构。


Version A:

No one can avoid being influenced by his or her parents. Much as we may pride ourselves on our judgements, we are often not free to make wholly independent decisions, for family exerts a subtle influence on us. In their efforts to take care of their children, parents have gone too far for too long, which has long been a common complaint. (这个版本比较严格地参照了原文。)

Version B:

No one can avoid being influenced by his or her peers. Much as we may pride ourselves on our independence, we are no longer free to truly choose what we want, for peers exert a subtle influence on us. Especially when it comes to fashion, we almost always make decisions with a view to how people around us may think of us.



No one can avoid being influenced by the standard language. Much as we pride ourselves on our unique dialects, we spoke it less and less in our daily life, for the popularity of standard language in school and work, which has made a subtle influenced on us. In our efforts to improve communication with people who from different regions, we have gone too far. We would lost our dialect if we have no time to speak it.



      本文标题:每周一段 | 广告的影响02
